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BNL inspired works.

Ok mes ami(e), this page is all the kooky stuff that was...

A. Inspired by BNL, or a BNL related song. (read: Thin Buckle, Bros Creeg.)


B. Came about whilst doodeling BNL.

Have fun...remember...inspiration is whats its all aboot! That and the Hokey Pokey...

This animeish girl was inspired by Kevin's song, "Blue Museum." It's an absolutly image filled song, that is also very beautiful. If you have not heard it, get out of here. Right now. And dont come back untill you have!!!

This hoser came about while drawing Kevin-esque faces. I realize how far I really am from his face...interesting how faces evolve after drawing them for a while.... Anyhoo, I think I drew...The young animeish Kevin on one of the drawing pages, and that made me draw this guy. I dig his hair. What else? Um...Oh yesh...I think I was thinking of what Kevin was like when he was with the Look People. If you dont know...they were NUTS. And I guess they dressed oddly. And I think I saw on one of the cds...(boogazm?) that Kev was wearing a hat. (a painting, but a hat none the less) ANYWAY, this is the end product of those odd late night thinkings....Oh, one more thing...dont be confused. This guy is *not* Kev.

Here is is, with a guitar! I think he'd make a good little kids book character. The Young struggeling musician who is nice, and kind, and after searching and searching for a break, finnaly gets You need a climax you know...just cant think of one right now... Anyway...all!!! Ahahahaha!

Oh mon Dieu, here is is a craylon drawling! Man, he sooo doesnt match! Its just what I wanted! A nice flamboyant shirt (but hes not flaming, just know how that can be...) And well...yeah. Hes a bunch of fun. Oh! I should draw his musician friends! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

WHICH I HAVE DONE! You can visit them... here.

DISCLAIMER: These are SOOO mine. Please please please don't repost these without my permsion.