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Looking for a place to play with your band in Melbourne, Victoria? This might be your Lucky day!!

At the moment, as you've noticed, there's not a lot of bands around in Melbourne, Victoria, that play music associated with another culture/language, etc etc (ie j-rock, or HK-rock/pop.) Currently, a6m is one of the only bands with any popularity (albeit very minor) that plays non-western music (although in the "western style") with any regularity. Previously, there was a sort of "Asian Music Network" that has happened along the way. a6m would like to contribute to that factor.

What this means is that basically if you're in a garage band, and playing a different style of music than what's the norm here (ie singing in a different language) and confined only to your garage, a6m would like to help you get out and get noticed. a6m play a number of gigs, on a regular schedule, and would like to invite budding musicians to have a spot to share the bill and to 'show their talents'. (And we're sure there's many out that that might not have the opportunity to do so.) If you don't have equipment, don't worry about it.. something will definitely be worked out. How this is planned to work is that there is a network made with Asians/otherstyle musicians, and when a gig comes up, there will be an opportunity for the bands to play to an audience.

How it really works:

Get in contact with the band (details below), and leave your details (band name, what style of music you play, how many members in band and level of skill (ie how many songs are you usually able to play as a set.) and equipment you have/need.) It will be put on file and sooner or later, you and your band will be contacted play on a gig. If your band is not available on that night, don't sweat it out, just wait, and you'll be contacted again for another night. It's a great way to be able to play to an audience and to network and meet other musos. There's an e-mail address and 3 people you can contact to leave the details, and don't worry, they don't bite at all. So, just give it a go, and who knows, you might be Australia's next success story. Just contact: