PiCtUrEs PlAcE

Welcome, welcome, welcome... to my wonderful pics page! Take a look at all the cute pictures! Yeah, it took me a lot of time to upload them, so you better take a look at all of them! ;)

This is a picture of the gang at Band Banquet 2002.

This is a picture of the family...

This is a picture of Martha and Rachel... acting... REALLY STUPID! :)

This was taken the day my beautiful baby brother was born, August 16th, 2001. It was taken with the video camera... so it's not perfectly clear... but aren't new born babies the most wonderful thing in the world?

The summer of 2000, Martha took Becca Holley and I to Nashville River Stages. We saw Train, The Wallflowers, Crazy Town, and several other bands... It was a lot of fun. This picture was taken outside of our hotel when we were leaving.

This is a picture of Martha's dog, Elenor, (who we call Elly... and I call Ellyfer) and I. It was taken July 4th at her house... in her back yard, I think.

Okay, this is a weird story but... July 4th Martha and I walked to Mr. Tucker's house (our band director) in flip flops... just for the heck of it. We ended up going through his garbage cans and coming home with blistered feet. It was interesting. We took this picture of his house... only for memory's sake.

"The Perfect Picture"... This was taken at Band Banquet 2001. From left to right: Rachel Payne, ME, Martha Byrd, and Sarah Roberts

Martha and Becca in Chicago.

Katie Bethune (who moved away, *SOB*), Claire Crapo, and Rebecca Hinds...

ME!... In the grass, with curly hair... Yes, for those of you who don't know, my hair is naturally curly and I hate it...

The tenor saxophone is my primary instrument... I can play the others too, but if you don't know what a tenor sax looks like you're a very ignorant person! Take a look at a lovely tenor sax and become a smarter person.

This is a picture of the WHS band at Spring Concert 2000. It's seems like such a long time ago now... I'm the one in between the two tallest guys in the band.

This is a picture of my family at some park... uncle Steven, aunt Murray, grandma JoAnne, cousin Alexsis, and the rest of my familt are in there with me.

My little bro, Joe, when he was little, well, smaller...

My, like, 8th birthday party. Becca Hinds is in there w/me. I think I'm going crazy or something?!

My brother, Joe, my little cousin, Alexsis, and ME, about 5 years ago, at a family reunion, in PA...

The first time my family went to the smokies, when I was like, 7, maybe?...

My family, AGAIN, along with my grandma JoAnne, uncle Steven, aunt Murry, and cousin Alexsis...

Another birthday party, prolly when I was 7, Isabel is in there with me...

My brother and ME!... a while back.

Joe, Mimi, (my first dog), Bently (my uncle's dog), and ME at grandma JoAnne's...

Aunt Murray and baby Joey... a long time ago.

Yes, little me, again, I used to take dance...

I was the only girl in the Martin soccer league for 3 years...

Joe and I in Florida, *SOB*, ...see the parrot!!

My kindergarden picture...AWW! AIN'T I CUTE?!

Grandma JoAnne and me, again. I'm about to ride my first bike!

Another family picture.

My family, and grandma in Florida, AGAIN, *SOB*...

Baby Joey, on the beach, he was a fatty, wasn't he?

Joe and I, way back. We were eating popsicles at grandma's. Aren't we CUTE?!

Joe and Dad, SHAVING!... about six years ago...

Alright, this is CUTE!

Little me...I was cute, and I still am! :P...(no cracks!)

My daddy, Dr. Charles Richard Thomas, quite a few years back, if ya can't tell. hehe* :)

Grandpa and me, (back then)... at his house...