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Motivate meee...yeah! Hehe. Anyways, what's up peepz? Welcome to myyy Good Charlotte page! Ain't it purty? Yes, it is, I know. Hehe. J/K That's for YOU to decide! I hope ya like it. Good Charlotte is my favorite band which is exactly why I'm dedicating this page to them. Benji (Kid Vicious), Joel (Sickboy), Billy (Lil' Billy), Aaron (Sickie B), and Paul (St. Paul) are the masterminds behind this fantastic band. Born in Waldorf, MD (my home state), Good Charlotte has made it big. They went from small highschool performances and house parties to stadium performances and HFStivals! Who knows where they'll be next! They're debut album was released on 9/26/00. Everyone go out and buy it! It's sooo good! But, anyways, have fun lookin' around my page. Hope you like it and enjoy!