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The Midnight Jazz Club's

October 8, 2003 Hello yet again! New news for all you people who have been waiting for an update! So here's the scoop. THERE IS NO MORE SPICE! (If you have no idea who Spice is, she was my fanchar) Spice has been permentaly retired. NO MAS! Sorry for any fans of hers but, I finally made up my mind to recreate her. Her new name is now Rain. Info on this new char will be forthcomming as soon as possible! But letmme stress, Rain is NOT Spice in anyway. The only thing that is similar to them is that Rain is also Jazz's significant other, shall we say. Hopefully within the week I'll get a BIO made for her, and Spicybeat will also be changed. Not sure what it will be called but Rain and Jazz will have their own page. Second: I also went though all my pics and deleted some of them I could no longer look at. Yes, they were BAD! Some of them were over three years old! New pics will be comming though, just be patient. Third: Random agruments may also be taken down but I haven't made up my mind yet. Ok so that's it for now, but please come back and check out the new stuff as soon as I can get it up. I promise it will be within the month at least. ;)

July 16, 2003- WOO! Updates!! Yes, the site has several new pics, a new poll question AND a new section called "Random Arguments," that me and my good friend, LJ, are now putting together. This is the place you people out in cyber space write into us and give us a question you'd like Spice and Rhythm to answer. And Walla, they'll answer it on the site! So PEOPLE, PLEASE WRITE IN!! I BEG YOU! :D

June 5, 2003- If you haven't guessed it, the site is under MAJOR reconstruction. I'm revampin' EVERYTHING I have, so give me a while and hopefully I can make this a worthy site... (Cross your fingers ;))

November 29, 2002-Double HA! An update within the same month! TAKE THAT! ;)Ok well anyways, Check out Spicy Beat again cause a new pic's up AND Spice's BIO!! YAHOO! ;) Aren't you proud of me? ;) So stop reading this already and head over to the pics! :D

November 14, 2002-HA! FINALLY an update...Yeah I know it's been a while...but hey at least I bring Lots of pics and even a new PAGE! I know you're pround of me right? X) J/K. Ok well don't waste time listeing to me rammble, go check out Spicy BEAT!! AND SIGN THE GUEST BOOK PLEASE!!! It's Soooooo LONELY in there... ;)

July 24, 2002- Added a new pic again! This time, a fan created character between me and LJ. Nothing else for today!

July 21, 2002- Well it's only been a month right? Anyways, we now have a few more pics up at the homemade pics page. Ramjet, whom I did for a friend of mine, Lady Jet, is now up. Me and Lady Jet are also working on a new fanfic called Semi Charmed life. Which involves Jazz and his older brother Rhythm. Melody who I said was his sister has been discontinued and Rhythm has now taken center stage! Look for his pic as well as a scene that well take place in that fic, on the homemade pics page as well! Too see a preview go to

Well that's all for right now, see ya!

June 19, 2002- Hey I'm on a roll!! I got updates and it hasn't even been a year yet!! Anyways, in case you didn't notice I got the site a bit of a face lift. First of all check out the links and visit lady Jet's page!! She's got some great stuff! And I also got a new poll question! Yeah! So...GO VOTE NOW!!

May 25, 2002- Wow, yet again I haven't updated in a longgggggg time. O'Well. I got a new link in the links page and as soon as I can, I'll put up the new fanfic-The Relic. Yeah, Yeah, I'll try to put it up this year...

March 1, 2002- Sorry it's been so long, but... I got MY GUESTBOOK!!!!! Please if you are on this page go to my Guestbook and sign it! Oh in case you didn't notice I changed the Backgrounds.

January 24, 2002- Got some new pics up on the homemade pics page. So far we have Thumper, my human character, and a few tiger pics. Also we have Melody, who is Jazz's little sister, hopefully I'll have a story about her soon up on the fanfic page. Until then enjoy her pic!

January 2, 2002-Happy New Year!! Well, I just got up the polls page!! It's up and running! Yeah!! and I also have my new pic of Jazz. Yeah, I know it looks the same but this one has color! I'll have more up in a few days, for now, again, go to my polls and vote!

December 28, 2001-My Update this time is my new homemade pics page!! For Christmas I got a new scanner so I thought I would scan some of the drawings I had. I have quite a few that I haven't found yet so just wait more will be comming soon! For now enjoy Jazz!!

December 21, 2001-Wow has it been almost a month since I last wrote in? Well now it's almost Christmas and for the season I wrote a new story!! So check it out in the fanfics section. And I(in case you didn't notice) changed all the backgrounds, so that's another update! Well that's all for now so bye!

November 29, 2001-I have some new links on the site now go check them out!

November 27, 2001- I have a few more new pics on the site in case you haven't noticed. I am a VERY patriotic person and I love my country,the U.S.A. This is tribute to the 911, hope you like it!

November 23, 2001- Well everything's still changing so.. no updates as of yet, but stay tuned, I'll have more updates soon!