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And We Have

No new Links as of lately but stay tuned!

-Des Cat

Transformers Links

All is one of my best friends pages, but unlike the other this one does have a little bit of Transformers stuff.
Zobovor's Multi-faceted Transformers- need I say more?
The Tf Club- This website is home to Lady Jet, who, I might add, has some great stuff going! Including Fanfic!!
All That Jazz- *Drool* Jazz Fansite!! Love Jazz! WORSHIP the Jazz-man! X)
Area Thirteen- Another TF site!! Go ADOPT like I did! :D

Friend's homepages(non transformers)

Draco: World Of Dragons- here we have a world of dragons (nuff said)
Disgrunted Kids- This one is one of my other stupid friend's (Yes, I mean you Matt) website (hint the pic on top) It's the name of his just click the stupid link and stop wondering what it is!