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Do you feel as if you are reading the lines in someone else's script? Is your life out of control in any area? As your LIFE COACH, I will help you to...

* Create the life you want.
* Recognize your greatness.
* Take better care of yourself.
* Reduce stress.
* Get your priorities straight.
* Find out what you value the most and focus your attention on it.
* Live a more authentic life that reflects your values and desires.
* Learn how and when to say "no."
* Create more balance in your life.
* Overcome obstacles that get in the way of living a life that you love.
* Give you the tools to get "unstuck."
* Help you overcome fears and challenges.
* Give you resources and guidance in designing and implementing your new life.
* Increase your physical, emotional, spiritual, mental, and financial health.
* Increase your energy level.
* Improve your relationship with yourself and others.
* Make important decisions.
* Develop peace of mind.
* Stop living on adrenaline.
* Manage your time effectively.
* ...And much more!

The coaching relationship is a partnership between two equals. I will provide you with ongoing support in a very positive, nurturing way and help you to live the life you really choose! I will be your friend, partner, and guide in helping you sort out your priorities.

My agenda is your success!!

Let's get started today! Live your dream!


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Author of New Book
Body / Mind Techniques
Essential Oil therapy
Introducing Janet Houser
Jin Shin Jyutsu® / Chakra Balancing
Nutritional Guidance
Personal Transformation
Self-Empowerment Classes
Soul Connection Tapes
Spiritual / Intuitive Counseling
The Melchizedek Method
Wellness Training
Order Janet's Book Directly From Publisher
