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Sayajin Prince


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Master Attacks
Training Machines

Here are the races you can pick from.

Tsfuru-Jin: This is a race that resemble humans and have great technological advances. They live on Planet Plant.

Human: A Human is one of the weaker races there are some Humans that have the abilities to use Ki and fly

Saiyan-Jins: They are born with tails and a strong love to kill. When a Sayajin with a tail, sees the light of a full moon he will transform into an ape like form. Sayajin's can also transform into a Super Sayajin (there are different levels of the Super Sayajin.

Namekian: Nameks are peaceful creatures. They are green with 2 little antenna coming out of their head. Their body has the muscles is on the outside. The Nameks have two really useful techniques which are the abilities to rehabilitate limbs and other body parts and the ability to make their body grow and limbs stretch!

Majin: Majin's are any race but they are evil and are being controlled by Bibidi. All Majins have the "M" marking on their body usually on their forehead).

Android: Androids are artificial humans. Their power is much greater though. Some of the androids where stronger than Super Sayajins's at one point.

Changeling: Changelings are strange creatures that transform to become stronger. They are evil and strong.

Arlia-Jin: They are look sort of like cricket . They come from Planet Arlia.

Kaioshin: Kaioshins are the gods of gods. They don't all look the same but some of them do. They are strong, not as strong as Super Sayajin's

Kaio: Kaios are gods. They all wear pretty much the same thing and have a symbol on their shirts.

Saibamen: They spit acid from their heads and they are evil. They are kinda weak. (average power level of 1000)

Guardian: The Guardians are strong but only in the field of magic. They all wear druid like clothes (with hoods and such) and all you can see are the Guardian's glowing red eyes through their hoods. They are rarely out of these robes.

Vampire: Blood sucking monsters, the vampires in this rpg DO NOT have all the waknesses of a regular Vampire, making them formiddible advesary's


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