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Sitting on a old torn up leather sofa, in what looks to be the den of a run down appartment, bare sheetrock walls, old 70's orange shag carpet, we find the one we will come to know as Riot. With his disturbing looking mask, dressed in an pair of black cover alls and work boots. He looks blankly at the camera for a moment, then a smile comes across his face as he speaks.

Im sure you have seen this before, a new guy comes to town and tells you that he is the next big thing, or the future of your fed. And im sure you sit back and laugh your ass off, because nine times out of ten the guy may last a week. In fact it happens so much that no one belives that the guy is any more then some reject from some other fed just hoping to find a win, maybe two before he goes back to washing car windows on the corner of ninth and main. Hell, at this point Im sure the guy himself even knows this. But he has to talk a big game , right? Who is going to take him serious if he walks in and tells the truth, that he is nothing more then a speck in the grand sceam of things. No! he has to come in with some cocky nick name and a ego that would be fitting of royalty. Wouldn't life be easier if we all told the truth?

Here is some truth for you. No im not going to be the next big thing, no Im not the future of wrestling. No you see, wrestling could not survive if I was. Im not here to carry the TWF banner, nor am I here because I feel this is where the best wrestlers in the world are...Why am I here then?...At this point im not sure you are ready for the answer...But, I will try. I am here because I don't belong. Im the guy you'd least expect to see here in the TWF. And im the guy you don't want to see standing in the corner across the ring from you, but Im also the same guy you pray you never have to tag with. I am more then you can understand and I don't play well with others.

You people are so easy to read. I know you are sitting there and thinking to yourself "Is this guy any good?". Just because I don't waltz in the door and proclaim that I will win gold in a few short weeks does not mean that I am not able to do so. It's simply not my main objective. If a gold belt helps you understand who you are then good for you. But I want more. So the question that is burning on the tip of my tounge is can any of you hurt me? Make me bleed? Break me? Will the man with the answer please step forward.

I am not your retribution. I am not your redemption. I am not your resurrection. I am a Riot and I will leave you burning !

The scene fades out.