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Ravenloft at our school B.R.G.S

Ravenloft is an expansion of Dungeons and Dragons (D&D), it is a Role-Playing Game (RPG), but it is a tabletop game as well. The difference is that there are some versios of RPG that aren't tabletopping, such as the Lorien Trust's LRP (Live Role-Playing) events that involves getting dressed in costumes and actually being the character you choose to play. However with D&D you sit down and say what the character you are playing would do if you were at an LRP event.
Character Classes
Character Sheets: all are pdf Adobe Acrobat Reader required
  • Barbarian Character Sheet

  • Bard Character Sheet

  • Cleric Character Sheet

  • Druid Character Sheet

  • Fighter Character Sheet

  • Monk Character Sheet

  • Paladin Character Sheet

  • Rogue Character Sheet

  • Wizard Character Sheet

  • Normal Character Sheet for Rangers, Sorcerors and others

  • Dice rollers!
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    With credits to: Wizards of the Coast Inc. (D&D) and Mongoose Publishing Ltd.