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Title: Stories from the Table: Daniel's Lab

Author: JoaG


Author Website:

Rating: PG13

Pairing: Jack/Daniel, established relationship

Category: Challenge, Hurt/Comfort

Date: 13 June 2003

Series: Tokra Flats Table series

Archive: Majel's site, tok'ra flats Others, please ask, I'll share (except for Daniel - hands off, he's mine <G>)

Synopsis: The table is in Daniel's Office/Lab.

Notes: Un-beta'd. All errors are mine.

I am a table. I am a rectangular four-foot wide by eight-foot long, golden oak table with lots of grain, a leg on each corner, and a polyurethane sealant. This is important, because though it removes me from the level of 'fine' furniture, it adds to my versatility and my longevity. I was purchased in the early 90's by the U.S. Air Force Quartermaster in a spasm of upgrades for the offices of NORAD. After I was delivered I was reassigned to a priority slot in a new command under the mountain cryptically referred to as SGC. I can seat eight formally, ten comfortable, and twelve friendly. Because I was purchased without chairs, I knew that my life would be one of utilitarianism not formal dining. In other words, I'll see a lot of service of all kinds.

Tall Civilian Daniel has been spending many hours poring over the jumble of items spread over my surface. He picks each and every one up gently, holding it up to a source of illumination that has been placed at one end of me. The heat of the light warms my surface, feeling oddly comforting in this cool, dark room.

He often turns to tap quickly on a small longish board. He stares into a lighted screen, squinting at the squiggles that appear in time with the movements of his fingers. I have yet to unravel the mystery of the mobiles; I cannot understand what can be so enrapturing that they stare into that screen for hours on end.

I have listened to Tall Lady Sam as she spoke with Tall Civilian Daniel earlier. These objects that hold his attention so raptly were discovered by the tiny mobiles of a village. Shortly thereafter, many of what Tall Lady Sam called 'children' and other mobiles of the village quickly fell sick and many died. The objects were brought here to be examined, hoping they would provide a clue in treating the remaining villagers who had not yet recovered, and preventing others from falling ill.

My favourite mobile keeps returning to one particular object. It is round and bulky, with many cracks on its surface. He handles it often, turning it around and around in his hands. He puts it down gently after a while, moving on to yet another item. But he always returns to this seemingly enticing puzzle.

"Daniel," Tall Military Jack says from behind us. Tall Civilian Daniel jumps, nearly dropping the orb he holds in his hand. I would have jumped in fright also had I been able to. Fortunately, tables cannot move on their own, else I would have knocked all the fragile bits and pieces to the floor. I did not hear the archaeologist's friend make his way into the room. He moves very quietly, for a mobile.

"Jack, don't sneak up on me," Tall Civilian Daniel complains. He places the round object onto the table once more, turning to look up at his friend.

"A herd of elephants could have stampeded down the corridor and you wouldn't have heard 'em," the military Colonel says as he approaches and lays his hands on Daniel's shoulders. His fingers dig deep into the mobile's muscles, which must have been painful due to the small sounds coming from the archaeologist's throat. I stiffen slightly in alarm, wondering why this mobile would be hurting his friend. It is not until Tall Civilian Daniel sighs, 'God, that feels good', do I realize that I mistook pleasure for pain.

"You're working too hard, Daniel. You've been at this for how many days now?" His fingers now work on Tall Civilian Daniel's bent neck as the mobile leans his arms heavily on my surface. I can feel his puffs of breath on me, he is that close.

"I'm almost done." His voice is muffled as he speaks through his bent arms. "There's just one small piece to the puzzle that I can't figure out. Oh God, right there, Jack!" His eyes are closed, but he lifts a hand and waves unerringly towards the object that has constantly captured his attention. "I know that that sphere opens up somehow… there has to be a clue inside of it but I can't find the trigger."

"How about some supper and a few hours away from this place? You need a break, you're way too tense." He leans over his friend, saying in a low voice, "And I know a sure-fire way how to make you relax," he says with a grin.

Tall Civilian Daniel pulls away from his friend as he straightens up. He shakes his head, looking sideways and pulling his brow together in what I take to be a frown.

"I want to finish this, Jack."

"Daniel, you're exhausted. You've been at this for days now. I know you believe that there's a clue in here as to what killed the people on that planet. But you're not going to help them by making yourself sick."

"I'm fine, Jack," he says as he picks up the round object once more, his shaking fingers betraying his words.

"Yeah? When's the last time you ate?"

"I had supper a couple of hours ago," he replies vaguely.

"Well, considering that Carter and I both ate a late breakfast three hours ago, I think you're more than overdue for a meal. Come on, let's go." He tugs at Tall Civilian Daniel's arm, trying to get him to stand up. I agree wholeheartedly with Tall Military Jack, my favourite mobile is not a table. He needs sustenance and rest. I can stand here for years without tiring, but not so a mobile. I have felt him sag against me in exhaustion during the hours that he has been with me, and have heard his stomach rumble in hunger. Were I able to, I would push him up into the arms of his friend.

"Jack, let go," he snaps, pulling his arm away. His friend does not release him, and the eventual tugging causes him to lose his grip on the sphere. It lands hard on my surface, making a small dent. I cringe in alarm… my shiny surface… marred once more!

"Damnit Jack, will you be careful!" Tall Civilian Daniel exclaims as he turns angrily towards his friend.

Tall Military Jack raises his hands in defeat, muttering "fine, stay and play with your rocks," as he walks away. I wish to call him back, tell him that his friend is tired and hungry and frustrated. I watch as he exits the room, his back straight and stiff.

As Tall Civilian Daniel picks up the orb, one hand gently strokes at the newly made dent on my surface as if to rub away the hurt. I do not feel pain, but I feel dismay that I have been scarred once more. He removes his hand and peers carefully at the orb. Even I can see that it is no longer round, there is a part that protrudes slightly.

Tall Civilian Daniel fiddles with the object and suddenly the protrusion opens in his hands. Something dark with many legs runs up his hand and Tall Civilian Daniel is frantically swatting as the bug travels up his arm. It falls to the floor and scuttles underneath me. The mobile quickly follows, and with a loud bang, crushes it with a heavy book.

I can hear him breathing loudly as he brings his hand up to his mouth. Tall Civilian Daniel sucks on the fleshy part of a digit he calls a thumb as he reaches his other hand onto my surface to help lever himself up. He stands there, swaying alarmingly. His face appears to be damp as his eyes widen in alarm.

"Oh shit," he says as his legs appear to bend and he tilts backwards. I see him go down and I realize that he does not want to sit. He lands heavily on his butt, but he remains seated. He is breathing quickly, and his eyes appear to be searching for something. He stares towards the wall, and I realize he wishes to press the button which the mobiles have named an 'alarm'. His eyes dart towards the book beneath me and I wish with all my might that that creature has been obliterated.

Tall Civilian Daniel is moving now, attempting to get on his knees. His body does not appear to be obeying him as he falls back onto his side.

"Jack," he whispers as he moves weakly as he tries to get up once more.

I realize that something is seriously wrong with my favourite mobile. Tall Military Jack cannot have gotten that far away, he left merely moments ago. Even though I have no vocal chords, I call out with all my might… "Tall Military Jack…. Please… HELP!"

I hear Tall Civilian Daniel's breathing begin to falter, he is gasping for air. I call out once more, knowing that it is useless. I focus my attention on the ailing man, wishing I could at least move and comfort him.

"Daniel, I'm sorry." I hear a voice from the doorway. "Look, this is ridiculous. You have to at least eat…"

He heard me… Tall Military Jack heard me!

"Shit, Daniel!" He begins to rush toward his friend, then turns around and hits the alarm button beside the door. Someone outside approaches at a run as the kneeling mobile wraps his arms around the near unconscious man.

Even over the cacophony, I can hear Tall Civilian Daniel's whisper. "Insect… bit me. Inside sphere."

"It's okay, Daniel, help is on the way." One of the mobiles who are assigned to protect the other mobiles is speaking into a telephone, and I suspect that Small Lady Janet will be here soon. She always seems to be able to help those mobiles who are unwell. I sometimes wonder why they were not made as solid and durable as a table; they are such fragile creatures, these mobiles.

"No… have to… isolate… orb… more… insects" His head lolls on his friend's shoulder, and apart from his struggles to breathe, he does not move.

I realize that there is movement inside the sphere. Although when Tall Civilian Daniel dropped it in his attempts to stop the insect, the panel he opened up did not close completely. Two dark legs are now sticking out of the small space, and as I watch, a form slowly begins to push itself out.

I have never heard such language coming from Tall Military Jack before. As more footsteps come running towards us, he directs those mobiles to place the sphere into a clear, plastic bag. They do so before the insect emerges completely, and I would shudder if I could as I see it running back and forth, looking for escape. I detest bugs; I have vague memories of them boring into my bark.

"Daniel, stay with me," Tall Military Jack calls to his friend. I see the younger man struggle to open his eyes and he looks at Tall Military Jack with what appears to be fear.

Small Lady Janet bursts into the room and takes command. She is very frightening in this mode; everyone jumps at the petite mobile's orders. Tall Civilian Daniel is quickly whisked from the room, and the orb and its inhabitants are carefully placed in a clear glass container. Soon I am left alone.

I am depressed. I have no news of the fate of Tall Civilian Daniel. I recall the touch of his fingers on my surface as he attempted to smooth out the newest scar. I hear other mobiles as they come and go according to the rhythms of this small underground city. None enter this room except for one who occasionally tidies.

Time goes by as it does for tables. I am alone in the dark, when suddenly I sense movement in the entrance. A dark form shuffles in, and I sense a hand on my surface. This mobile leans heavily against me as I feel the other hand fumble for the source of illumination that had been turned off.

The glow of the lamp reveals the figure to be Tall Civilian Daniel! He does not appear to be well as he falls heavily into his chair. He leans his head back on the upholstery and sighs heavily.

"Hey," a voice calls from the doorway.

Tall Civilian Daniel turns his head slightly to look at his friend. "Hey," he responds.

"Doc know you're here, or are you AWOL?"

"She said I could get up for a while," he replies softly.

Tall Military Jack enters the room and closes the door behind him. He walks up to me and perches himself on my surface, facing his friend. He reaches a hand and gently cups the man's face.

"You scared the shit out of me the other day, you know that?"

Tall Civilian Daniel smiles. "I was kinda scared shitless myself," he admits as the Colonel rubs his thumb against his friend's lips. He reaches over and pulls Tall Civilian Daniel towards him, and holds him tightly against him. The younger mobile reaches up and puts his arms around his friend.

"Hammond just got word, the anti-venom Fraiser sent to P2Y-398 is working. Everyone is recovering from the bug bites. Ferretti and his team have sprayed pesticide all around the village, there haven't been any new cases in twenty four hours. You did good, Danny."

He snorts and pushes himself away from his friend as he says, "Good? I endangered the whole SGC by my stupidity, Jack." Tall Military Jack looks at him in confusion, his mouth slightly open. Tall Civilian Daniel gets up off his chair and begins pacing. I do not think this is a good idea, he appears much too pale for this activity.

"I knew that that sphere was connected to the illnesses, and what do I do? I try and open it without taking any kind of precautions. I could at least have used a hazmat container before attempting to open it up." He stops his movement and sways, his hand going up to his head. Tall Military Jack jumps off of me and is supporting him in a second. He leads him back to the chair and assists him in sitting. My favourite mobile leans forward and rests his head on Tall Military Jack's chest.

"If you hadn't come in when you had, Jack…"

"You'd be dead."

"Everyone would be dead. Those things would have gotten into the ventilation… there were so damned many… how could I have been so stupid!"

His hand gently rubs his friend's back. "Danny, if any of us had had any inkling of what was inside that sphere, you know we would have insisted on your taking precautions. It showed to be hollow when Carter X-rayed it. And as it is, we helped those people. If you hadn't opened the sphere, more and more of the villagers would have died."

Tall Military Jack bends slightly and kisses Tall Civilian Daniel's temple.

"Come on, I think you should get back to your bed, hmmm?" He assists the younger mobile up and they both walk out the door.

I am a table. I am a rectangular four foot wide by eight foot long golden oak with lots of grain, a leg on each corner, and a polyurethane sealant. Today I am happy. My friend is safe, and we have helped save lives.
