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Muska's Strategy Guide

Well here it is! better than that other crap. i even put gay titles. kinda looks like Rincewinds. btw, im assuming that you read the info section so i wont be explaining a lot.

General Stuff

Heres some stuff that dont fit in any of the topics but are pretty usefull tips.

1. Don't waste your energy on crappy aimed bombs and bullets. if you know its not gonna hit, then dont fire it!

2. If theres a wall next to you and you want to stop, just bounce on the wall and it will be a lot faster.

3. pretend that your will go in a direction so your enemy chasing you will fire a bomb there instead at you.

4. keep spinning around to confuse your opponent.

5. when turreting, dont think you can kill every single ship on the radar. be careful and run away or warp when you have to. cloak turrets usually target negs so watch out.

6. always keep your eye on the radar. its real helpful.

7. dont ever go fight without full upgrades, you will lose unless your vulching someone.

8. playing in 1600 x 1200 res lets you see more than that 800 x 600 res, giving you more shots.

9. when your being chased, try not to move in a straight line. that way your enemy will have a hard time hitting you.

10. if your in trouble, try to find a wormhole to escape.

11. To warp someone else, lay a brick on them. extremely helpful when taking over bases and getting rid of those annoying anchors.

12. dont be an asshole, its just a game.

Gun tricks

These are some gun strategies. of course they're used for close combat. read the info section for more help about bullets.

1. The Cluster: as you start accelerating, starting fire bullets and they will cluster up. if you manage to hit someone with the cluster they will either die or get weak enough that a single bomb will kill him/her.

2. Line shooting: run at someone at full speed while shooting bullets. if done right, the same thing will happen like the cluster.

3. Narrow Death: when your in a corrider, start shooting diagonally or straight at your enemies. common sense.

4. Back Attack: when your being chased, start shooting backwards at the guy. works better with a terrier.

5. Walls: shoot a stream of bullets at the wall when your gonna bounce off. if your aim is right, you will deal lots of damage to your enemy.

6. Bullets with Bombs: try to shoot a couple bullets before you fire your bomb. if the guys hit by the attack, he should be dead.

7. Around you go: circle your opponent while shooting your guns.

8. Rocket Rape: a well known strategy and i took the common name for it. basicly you use a rocket, then start spraying bullets at your enemy. theres a lot of stuff you can do with this but i try not to because it doesnt use much skill as i experience everyone doing it at The Gauntlet.

Bomb Tricks

Bombs are used for long ranged fights. theres four levels just like the bullets with the same colors. they deal a great deal of damage. to learn more, check the info section.

1. Line Bombing: going straight at your enemy, keep firing bombs at him but not a lot that one bomb will kill you.

2. Prediction: fire a bomb where you think your enemy will be going.

3. Bouncing Bomb: run straight into a wall with a lancaster and fire a bomb. if done right, you will throw a fast bomb at the enemy.

4. dont fire bombs upclose ;)

5. of course, improve your aim.

Mine Tricks

Pretty much the same with bombs but mines are stationary so they are great for guarding bases. all you gotta do is press shift + tab. you cant lay them near wormholes or they will turn to bombs. they can also be repeled away.

1. Runaway Mine: drop a mine when someones chasing you.

2. Warp and blow: you need a portal and a repel for this trick, (i learned this by dieing from it) find a place with a wall and open space. lay a minefield near the wall and then start stay next to the wall until someone comes. if someone thinks they can go in between the minefield and the wall for a ez kill, repel them.

3. Base Mining: always lay mines in entrances of the base. either someone will die or they will have to waste a repel.

4. Random Mines: lay mines in frequently traveled areas. who knows? maybe someone will ram into it.

theres a lot of other tricks and stuff but i dont know. the stuff listed above is what i always do. i prolly forgot something so i'll keep updating this. btw, i suck at mining.