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Herot Great Danes Health Cerificates
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In the following pages you will be able to view the OFA or CERF certificate for each dog on the Herot website.

I have even added some dogs that I have bred or have been produced by one of my stud dogs. I am in the process of completing the rest of my health testings so keep checking back for more updates.

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All of the information provided on this website can be verified by visiting The OFA Website all health certificates are provided to all new puppy owners and along with stud dog inquiries.

In July we participated in the Addisons Study going on at UC Davis.
We tested 25 dogs that are owned and/or bred by me. I am very happy to help out and I will add a link to the results as soon as they are posted.
Would you like to participate in the study too? Visit The Addisons Study At UC Davis

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