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***Don’t Get Hooked On Me***
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Don’t Get Hooked On Me


Once I thought you loved me.
I kept that dear in my heart.
It collected my spirit and mind.

Now I know better.

Was it spite or jealousy?
You hurt me so deep.
Wounds with the longest knife,
If that is love...It hurts.
But you don't bleed, or ever heal.

So it defies explanation.
It has an epicentre, a point that we call the begining.
More than an organ, it pumps love not blood.

But now I know better
Than to fall in love again.

Your touch is warm, like the love I have for you.
But my hands are cold,as I wait alone.
I want to hold you, to feel you near me....
Your breath on my cheek.

But I am alone.

I hear your voice in my head,
As sweet as birdsong.
If I could, I would whisper in your ear how much I love you.
How much I care...

But I can't. For I am alone.

Whilst I wait, the treetops twist and turn in the wind.
They call out your name.
My body is cold.
But my heart is warm with the memories of what once was.
I want to run my fingers through your hair,
and hold your body to mine...

But I am alone.

Alone in this cold.
Alone in this life.

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