(Health testing posted on OFA and echo reports on file with Breeder)

Group placing BISS/BISSOH/NOHSB Multi Group winning/GCH
UKC/Int'l/Nat'l/Hnrs CH Colras DRR I'm Gonna WhooPass 2xAOM
(GCH Pegasus Grabbin the Bull by the Horns v TTS x Colras Here 4 the Points)
(HOMOZYGOUS BLACK/Live cover/fresh chilled and frozen. Multiple Champion producer)

Am/BIS Int'l/Nat'l CH
Colras An Ace in the Hole v PASK
(CH Hauerdanes R U Talk N to Me x Int'l/Nat'l CH EIO Danes Colerichs Mystique ROM)
(HOMOZYGOUS BLACK/Frozen semen only. Multiple Champion producer)

Colras A Force 2 B Reckon'd With (AKC pt'd)
(MBISS CH Dana Tlbrk Darkside of Fireside AOM x UKC/Int'l/Nat'l/Am CH Colras Stacked 2 the T, ROM
(HOMOZYGOUS BLACK/Frozen semen only. Proven producer)

Am/BIS UKC/Int'l/Natl CH
Colras Thank the Academy
(Am/BIS Int'l/Nat'l CH Colras An Ace in the Hole v PASK x KDR Beautiful Bryn v DZY MTN)
(Carries for fawn/Frozen semen only/Proven producer)

Big thank you to Chantel Johnson for the awesome artwork