(CH MJB Hauerdanes Mr Coffee x Hauerdanes Makin Whoopie)
Jag is owned and love by Barbara
Olive is owned and loved by Eli and Mandy
Phaedra is owned and loved by Marci
Sophia is owned and loved by Bob and Linda
Spike is owned and loved by Guy
Zena is owned and loved by Shelly
Victor is owned and loved by Bill and Niki
Owned and loved by Rachel and John Cawley
of SixStar Danes
~GIGI and Meg are owned and love by Cheryl and Mike Johnson
Int'l AM CH Wolke's Living Legend AOM
Owned and loved by Peggy Smith-Kenny of Pask Danes
ASCA Hit Jemgold English Union UD CGC ASCA CD
Jack is owned by Stacy and Chantel Johnson