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.: | Start Transmission | :.

Blue= Good 'Ol J.R.
Lime= Jerry "The King" Lawler
Red= Rob Van Dam
Pink= Terri Runnels
Yellow= Micheal Cole
White= Scene & Other Stuff

{Scene: Its begins where the arena is empty and a few people are waiting outside the arena for the little show that will be happening tonight. Then suddenly they let them in and they begin rushing to the food stands and other stands. Whole others get ready. Then the very little people that XCW has today gets all ready as the show begins. The XCW Theme Music hits as the lights go out and D J lights hit all over the place. While that is going on, the crowd is going nuts, they begin putting up their signs and some say, Triple Is Not The Game, RVD, RVD, Toughest S.O.B Stone Cold Steve Austin, and more. While they are showing their signs, they are screaming there lungs out and chanting as they are doing that, the camera's are zooming in on the fans, and the ring. Then they zoom out and then zoom in on Good 'Ol J.R.(Jim Ross) and Jerry " The King " Lawler. And then the music stops as they begin to talk. " }

[Good 'Ol J.R.] :

[Jerry "The King" Lawler]:

[Good 'Ol J.R.] :

[Jerry "The King" Lawler] :

[Good 'Ol J.R.] :

[Jerry "The King" Lawler] :

[Good 'Ol J.R.] :

[ Commercial Break ]

Stacker 2: The World's Most Strongest Fat Burner


Carls J.F.: If It Doesn't Get All Over The Place, It Doesn't Belong On Your Face

Chevy's Trucks: It Drives Hard

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

Lugz: Boots, Shoes, & Attitude

[Jerry "The King" Lawler] :

{Scene: The scene shows Rob Van Dam heading out to the ring, the crowd sees him on the titontron, then they all stand to there feet cheering. Then the lights begin to darken as "One Of A Kind" blasts on the p.a. system as Red fireworks begin to go off on the top of the ramp. They are fans are screaming there lungs out, cheering . . . .RVD . . . . RVD . . . . RVD . . . . RVD . . . , they are chanting so loud that people can't even hear his music, then he finally appears from behind the curtain. Then the fans begin to chant even louder. Then he taunts at the very top of the ramp and goes from one side of the ramp, to the other taunting on both sides. Then he begins to walk slowly down the ramp untill he reaches the platform. Then he slides in the ring and jumps up and taunts. As he taunts the crowd says ROB VAN DAM. Then he gets into the center of the ring and raises his to hands up as the crowd says R....V...D. }

{Scene: As they stop chanting RVD. The lights begins to dim back on slowly. Then Rob Van Dam asks for a mic. from the announcer and begins to speak.)

.:| Rob Van Dam |:. :

{Scene: Then he drops the mic. as "One Of A Kind" hits on the p.a.system as the music is blasting throughout the arena speakers. Then the lights begin to darken once again as green lights begin to glow all over the arena. Then Rob Van Dam begins to taunt and once hes all done on each turnbuckle. He reaches the middle of the ring and taunts one more time as green pyro comes out of each turnbuckle. Then he begins to talk towards the ropes and climbs out and gets on top of the apron and jumps down. Then he begins to slap his fans hands as he walks up the ramp. Once he reaches the top. he goes from one side of the ramp, to the other taunting. Then he turns towards the backstage area and goes through the curtain and the camera men follow him as it shows it up on the titontron. As Rob Van Dam makes his way through the arena. Then on his way out, Micheal Cole runs up to ROb Van Dam and begins to speak to him. But right before it shows it, Good 'Ol J.R. And Jerry begin to talk.)

Good 'Ol J.R. :

Jerry "The King" Lawler :

Good 'Ol J.R. : Yeah I know.

{Scene: }

.:| Rob Van Dam |:. :

.:| Micheal Cole |:. :

.:| Rob Van Dam |:. :

.:| Micheal Cole |:. :

.:| Rob Van Dam |:. :

.:| Micheal Cole |:. :

.:| Rob Van Dam |:. :

.:| Micheal Cole |:. :

.:| Rob Van Dam |:. :

.:| Micheal Cole |:. :

.:| Rob Van Dam |:. :

.:| Micheal Cole |:. :

{Scene: Then it shows Rob Van Dam walk off. As Rob Van Dam makes his way through the arena, He finally reaches the parking lot as the same black limo is parked there waiting for him. Then the driver opens the door. Then he closes the door, as the limo driver gets into the car and drivs off. Then the camera begins to fade out, same with the titontron as they go to COMMERCIAL BREAK.} .}

.: | End Transmission | :.

- Destroyed - Bret Hart-