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A Tribute.

Every once in a while this page tends to *magically* change for one cause, source, or reason.

For those of you whom have stumbled upon this site, and to the ones who actually come to this site for my links or to see if my pages have changed at all, you're looking at one of the last times this page is going to change completely.

As it has always been, this is the main page of my site, as I type this my intentions are to have links for general ferret information, and links to my other pages which are being made, dedicated to, and in memory of, one of my "fabulous five" ferrets, Mischeif. There is even a page letting you know the myths that I've come across as a ferret owner and the truth that only a ferret owner can give.

Please be patient as I work on this site, if you have any requests, questions or opinions you'd like to say or ask, feel free to email me (link below). I will respond as soon as possible. Donations are accepted as well and put into a fund account for ferret rescue.

Official PayPal Seal

All About Ferrets!!!

Encyclopedian Ferrets.
Pictures and Information!
More Ferret Information and Ferret Magazine.
Ferret stuff and presents for Christmas!
Ferret News!! Ferret News!!
