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Brothers Unaware

So many..
I know only a few
Yes I may say that I love this one
Or that one
But what keeps me from loving you?

And if I don't know who to love
I love them all.

Have you ever seen a stray dog at the side of a busy highway? A person giving away puppies in front of the supermarket? A lost dog wandering up to someone's house, only to be chased away?
Have you ever seen a lost cat hiding under a car in a busy parking lot, invisible to those around? Or maybe a cat in a cage at your local pound, frightened into silence, waiting for whatever may come next, all too sure that whatever it is, it will be cause for more fear.
You probably have seen one, if not all of these animals at some point in your life. And you said to yourself, 'I can't save them all.'
It's what your parents said, what your friends or spouse says, what you tell your children.
'You can't save them all.'
And then you walked away.

Who do you think saves them? If you can't save them all, and you don't save that one, who does?

I heard those same words you did, and I had an answer ready- 'No, but I can save this one.'
Now I need your help.
