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Hey Peeps, Sup? I`m still working on this page, so no complaints till I`m done ok? This HTML stuff is hard for one of limited pagemaking skills... =P Oh yeah, plz wait for the music to load... but if you don`t hear anything, it`s angelfire`s fault... not mine. =P
6/20/03 "help-w-html" (character on AA) Rocks!!! I`m getting more talented by the day hehe =D 6/17/03 History is made... I cracked the changing font color code... =P 6/4/03 School`s FINALLY out for the summer!!! Woohoo! Gotta get me a job... or else I`ll just sit around like a lazy bum all day... and I really don`t wanna do that... So, anyone know of any high paying jobs for lazy people? Note me if ya do! LoL. =P
*Picture Above: A really cool painting *Pic in Gallery: Scanned from yearbook, which explains it`s grainy lookin texture. I`m the azn one on the left, on the right is my friend Wendy =P hours later... woohoo! cracked the music code! Sign my guestbook plz!! Don`t Click Here
Quiz Results! entrancing
You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves
your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling
he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss
that never lessens and always blows your
partner away like the first time. brought to you by Quizilla