Willow Creek Herb Company

Where Authenticity Is Essential!


Pursuant to the current United States Postal Service
regulations and other State and Federal laws,
we at Willow Creek Herb Company,
are unable to make any claim as to the effectivness
either magickal or medicinal of any of our products.

While our products are either traditional or specific to the craft
we are unable to make any guarantees and
must advise they are "Sold as Curios Only"

No herbal product is intended as a substitute for competent medical care.

Please see your physician before
adding any herbal supplement to your diet.

All information herein is from traditional or historical reference
and intended to help you make an informed decision.

Thank You.

Willow Dancer

We gladly accept Pay Pal and there is NEVER a minimum

Willow Dancer Enterprises
Copyright © 1999-2017 Willow Creek Herb Company, All Rights Reserved

Contact: Willow Dancer