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Testimonial Submission -
The P. B. Helms Company

You only need to complete the areas you are interested in.
Simply click on "Submit" when ready to send.
Someone will get back to you via email as soon as possible. Thank you


Your first name: 
The search engine you used to find us:

YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS (We will send you only one email in reply to your comments):

If you wish to do so, you may use the space below to give us your opinion of our website.
Please let us know if there is anything we can do to make your experience on our various
website pages more pleasant.

Have you already made a purchase?


If you have decided not to make a purchase from our company, do you mind telling
us what made you decided to purchase your product from another store?

If you've made a purchase, and already received your product, please give us your
opinion of the item that you received.

Other Comments:

Please click on "Submit" when ready to send.
We will respond to you by email just as soon as possible.
When you reach the next page, please click on "CONTINUE" to leave the page.
By submitting your comments you are giving permission to use your testimonial on their website unless you instruct us not to do so. We will not use your name or email address in the testimonials.
Thank you,