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Forget that "500" deal. This list focuses on the guys who work hard for the publicity they rarely get. The wrestlers ranked are ones who have never recieved a big push in a the "big" leagues but are just as or even more talented.

1.Reckless Youth: A major WWF prospect makes his second appearance as number one on the 100. Very talented star with a large cult following.

2.Colorado Kid: Another guy that WWF has their eyes on. Formerly of USWA now wrestles frequently for several major promotions. Previously unranked in the 100 but has turned a lot of heads since.

3.Micheal Modest: Was popularized by his frequent online title defenses. Modest has wrestled on both sides of the country and has jumped in the rankings from his previous spot at 45.

4.Doug Gilbert: This previously unranked hardcore superstar has competed in the Royal Rumble and is the brother of late great Eddie Gilbert.

5.Shark Boy: Won the Cruiserweight tournament at the annual Brian Pillman show put on by Heartland Wrestling. Signed a developmental contract with WCW since. Wasn't previously ranked.

6.Christian York: Dropping one rank this WCW future cruiserweight is famous for his aerial abilities.

7.Ace Darling: Falling a spot from the previous 100 this young blood has a little WCW and WWF experience.

8.Don Montoya: "Ghetto Superstar" has come quite a way since his last 36 rank. Has appeared in a two page spread in THE WRESTLER.

9.Devon Storm: Was once thought to be future member of the Brood. Success has been predicted for Storm for a few years now. Previously ranked at #4.

10.Mike Quackenbush: An exiting indy star who competes in the Northeast. Writes a two page bi monthly spread for THE WRESTLER.

11.John Rambo: Currently the top star of House of Pain Wrestling. A very well known trainer of wrestling and popularized by his matches with Mad Russian. Previously ranked as #8.

12.Chris Daniels: "Fallen Angel" falls not a rank in the list. Has appeared on Shotgun and Superstars before.

13.Adam Pearce: This indy standout who was previously unranked is embroiled in a feud with Adrian Lynch.

14.Madman Pondo: Rising a rank since the last listing, Madman is one tough hombre. Hailing from the realm of pain, this man knows hardcore.

15.Twiggy Ramirez: Marlyn Manson? Not quite, this NWA superstar makes a big impact with his high flying style. Previously unranked as an oversight.

16.Scott D'Amore: Word has it WWF is very intrested in D'Amore, future looks very bright for this young wrestler. Previously unranked.

17.Bart Sawyer: Former tag team partner of The Rock in USWA, Sawyer competes now for the NWA. Making his Superplex 100 debut.

18.Joey Matthews: After seeing Matthews in action WCW grabbed him. He is a top potential lightweight. Ranked at 32 in the last posting.

19.Lou Marconi: "Beef Stew" falls from #13 but is still going strong in Steel City.

20.Flash Flannagan: Introduced in Memphis, this lightweight competed in the last lightweight tournament. Rank only fell by one.

21.Julio Sanchez: Expierences in both WWF and WCW have been less than bright in the past however Julio is constanly in the running for the most skilled indy workers. Falls from his previous #16 spot.

22.Jimmy Cicero: The guy with the shaved head has competed with the WWF on the former shotgun program. Last ranked at #19.

23.Cody Micheals: The steel city champion also competes in IWA. Micheals jumps from spot #48

24.Marc Ash: ICW regularly sees him as champion. "Mean" Marc is constantly working his game to improve it. He comes from spot #53 in quite a jump.

25. Knuckles Nelson: CWA Competitor, lives by his name, this tough competitor came in at #32 in the last listing.

26.Shane Helms: North Carolina wrestler recantly signed with WCW so he must be doing something right. Was not ranked in the last 100.

27.Rik Ratchet: This upstart holds a win over big Sid Vicous, a fantastic NWA competitor. This is Rik's first ranking in the 100.

28.Mr Ooh La La: Pennsylvania Commenwealth Champion has been around for a few years, very charismatic veteran. Previously ranked at #24.

29.Cueball Carmicheal: East Coast wrestler, especially SCW. Carmicheal used to team with Jimmy Cicero. Was ranked #49 in the last list.

30.Harley Lewis: Another ranking oversight prevented this Misfit of the NWA from ranking in the last list.

31.The Cheetah Master: This inspirational wrestler came back from an injury that would have shelved most permanetly. Competes in the Northeast. Previously ranked at the 21st spot.

32.Jeff Anderson: This young wrestler is often accused of taking Steve Austin's persona with his "Anderson 3:16" T-shirts. Last ranked at #41.

33.Brian Costello : This former WWF jobber has come into his own on the IAW circuit, holding victories over several top notch stars including Mankind. This is his first time on the list.

34.Inferno Kid: Has had his share of success in the Northeast. A very well balanced lightweight. Last ranking was a 37.

35.Beau James: "Handsome" has held SSW gold in the past and is in hot pursuit once again of remaining the king pin of the promotion. Previously unranked.

36.Kevin Quinn: A superstar Jim Cornette has hailed time and time again when the Shotgun format still existed. Making his 100 entrance.

37.Adrian Lynch: Competitor hailing from Britain has had his share of success in many promotions and sparked a few feuds along the way, most notably with Adam Pearce.

38.Wendell Smooth: WWP heavyweight champion often relies on help from Kru. Previously unranked.

39.Glen Osbourne: Tag team partner of Flash Flannagen in PCW. Osbourne is a indy vetaran making his list debut.

40.Joe Rules: PCW veteran who also runs an awesome website. WWW.Joerules.COM Last ranked at #51.

41.Suicide Kid: Hardcore veteran of IWA. Takes bumps like there is no tomorrow. Falls from his previous #37 rank.

42.Reno Riggins: This Tennesse Volt is very popular in the Music City area. Took a big drop from his last spot as #10.

43.Rick Deezel: AIWF hardcore fighter. Been champion several times and has seen some brutal feuds in his day. Fell one spot in this listing.

44.Jimmie Lee: This dark wrestler has had excellant matches with Brian Lee AKA Chainz, Ax, Ricky Morton and the Prince of Polyester. He makes his debut on the list.

45.Lupus: Misfit partner of Harley Lewis. Competes in NWA. First time on the list.

46.Maxx Justice: All-Pro Champion in a league dominated by greats, including in the past: Crash Holly, Micheal Modest and Vic Grimes. Makes the list for the first time.

47.Ron Starr: "Mack Daddy" who models himself after SD Jones and Bobo Brazil. Comes to the list for the first time.

48.Lord Zoltan: Falling from #35 this Lightweight phenomon is one of the most bizzare on the indy circuit.

49.Chip Fairway: This IWA competitor recantly advanced to the finals of the Brian Pillman Cruiserweight tournament. Has a golfing gimmick as her returns to the rankings after having a 34 last time around.

50.Skank: Competes in the NWL where he has held the heavyweight title. Trained by John Rambo and is making his first appearance on the listing.

51.Bull Pain: Another IWA hardcore competitor with experience in WCW and the former Global promotion. Pain is on the list for the first time.

52.Joe E. Legand: Former tag team partner of Sexton Hardcastle AKA WWF's Edge. Appearing on the list for the first time.

53.Billy Reil: "Highlight" is the current Lightweight champion of ISPW earning him his first spot in this listing.

54.Scotty McKeever: One of Marc Ash's biggest rivals. A fromer ICW champion who makes the list for the first time.

55.Seth James: "The Big Stiff" another newbie to the list has been embroiled in a feud with Punchy McGee for a while now. Take his name seriously!

56.JJ The Ring Crew Guy: This built worker came in under an angle where he was mistreated by Heels and made his debut in a scaffold match. Also on the ranking for the first time.

57.Punchy McGee: A brawler who has been fighting Seth James for a while now, that feud brings the noteriety to him making the list for the first time.

58.Boogie Woogie Brown: Another exellant PCW competitor who makes his debut on the list. He's been in the Northeastern indies for a while now and is a good solid veteran.

59.Ox Harley: Hardcore veteran of the IWA, has feuded extensively with Mad Man Pondo. Was #25 in the last 100.

60.Mark Shrader: Has competed in the Super 8 tournament and is an exellant lightweight destined for a good future. Shrader is listed for the first time.

61.Danny Blackheart: Appeared as Filthy the Clown in the last 100 at #58. Danny is a more hardcore persona, teams with Wifebeater.

62.Logan Caine: The younger brother of Al Snow, respected by his fellow workers and competes in the Ohio area.

63.The Wifebeater: This contreversial young stud recantly was talked about on Politically Incorrect with Bill Mahr. Ranking dropped three slots this time around.

64.D.A. Thunder: This first timer on the 100 has competed with Jimmy Snuka and has been involved for a good number of years in the mat game.

65.Biggie Biggs: This mammoth NWA competitor almost defeated Naoya Ogawa for the NWA title recantly. This is his first time cracking the list.

66.Atlas Rivera: Kingpin of Grande Wrestling Alliance, has a nice array of competition. Was previously unranked.

67.Sean Styles: "Spiffy" competes throughout the Ohio radius where he has held the Great Lakes title. Fell two spots from his previous rank.

68.Morgus the Maniac: With over 15 years to his name this veteran is still going strong in the NWL. Another newbie to the list.

69.Dennis Gregory: Popular Steel City wrestler, where he teams with Lou Marconi. Gregory jumps from his previous #98.

70.Ty Dalton: Always seen breaking the Midwest Renegade rankings, Ty is breaking in the 100 for the first time.

71.Billy Bart: WCWO tag partner of Johnnie Walker after coming off a feud with Rob Ramer. Bart is new to the top 100.

72.Eddie Golden: Tennessee Mountain Wrstling junior Heavyweight Champion has been seen on tv throught Knoxville. Another wrestler being introduced to the top 100.

73.Corporal Punishment: The previous #55 competes in both NWA and several mid west hardcore promos.

74.Ray Odyssey: "Surfer" has expierenced ups and downs with Chris Candido and now competes in Northeast Wrestling. Comes to the Superplex 100 for the first time.

75.Ronnie Vegas: "Diceman" competes in BBW against the likes of Scott Magnum, King Kong Bundy and an abundance of former stars. Ronnie's success brings him his debut to the list.

76.Terik the Great: This hardcore IWA wonder is known for his brutal style. Previously ranked at #70

77.Sherman Tank: Another Ohio star, just came off a knee injury. Formerly had Brynn as his Valet. Last rank was a #63.

78.Rob McBride: "The Bull" has actually had a falls count anywhere match on a highway! Competes in Global Championship Wrestling. In the top 100 for the first time.

79.The Bouncer: Last ranked at #52, a former IWA All-American champion. Can be seen in various parts of the country.

80.Chainz: Not of WWF fame, this Chainz works the AIWF curicuit where he has competed in Inferno Matches. Previously unranked in the last 100.

81.George South: Embroiled in a feud with Jay Eagle currently. Has a long history with Italian Stallion. Lost a lot of momentum from his #26 spot.

82.Gutterboy: NWL competitor who regularly teams with Skank. Trained by John Rambo and makes his first appearance on the top 100.

83.Cody Hawk: Teams with Chip Fairway where they have taken the HWA tag team titles. Cody is on the list for the first time.

84.Shirley Doe: Indy Standout who regularly appears in the fine print of PWI. Makes his list debut.

85.Brian Danzig: AIWF competitor who feuds with Terminator X in one of the most hardcore promos around. Another new guy on the list.

86.Boyce LeGrande: APWF competitor who won the Universal title before having it stripped. New to the sport and the list.

87.JT Lighting: Competes in Cleveland where he is the CAPW heavyweight champion. Has classic grudge matches with Madman Pondo. Comes to the list for the first time.

88.Skull Ganz: NWA competitor who is managed by Jade. Previously unranked on the list.

89.KC Stryker: IWA of Columbis, OH, Lightweight champion. Jumps onto the list for the first time.

90.Tiger Khan: This former PCW champ has fallen quite a bit from his previous spot at #27.

91.Robbie Evil: Current Triple Threat Champion of AIWF, another hardcore grappler. Makes an appearance for the first time on the 100.

92.Viper: ICW grappler who is currently a for of Marc Ash. He is a first time list breaker.

93.Trevor Adonis: "The Heartbreaker" resides in Great Lakes Championship wrestling which has had many top stars in the past including Ken Patera, Gillberg and The Honky Tonk Man. Trevor has earned his first spot on the list.

94.Kevin Kirby: This former PWI #500 breaks this list for the first time at a much higher spot than he is used to.

95.Rotten Randy: The man of a thousand gimmicks, last ranked as #68, hoping to keep this gimmick successful.

96.Kevin Knight: IWF American Champion, come up short in matches with Twiggy Ramirez but cracked the list none the less for the first time.

97.The Brute Shooter: Another New Dimension wrestler who has held gold and been involved in some nasty feuds. Makes the list for the first time.

98.Scott Vaughn: Frequant NWL competitor who has challenged Morgus the Maniac in the past. Usually at the top of the card. Comes to the list for the first time.

99.Kid USA: NWA competitor who makes the list for the first time. Another talented youngblood.

100. Dave Fox: The voted #1 indy wrestler by the "fans" (we have other ideas of how he is winning the poll) cracks the list at the final spot.

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