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The second? page dedicated to the FANTASTIC actor Scott Cohen

Hello, and welcome to my humble little page here. I was searching the internet and I was disappointed to find that there was very little information on Scott Cohen. I just finished watching the wonderful mininseries of the The 10th Kingdom and I wanted to find out more about this great actor, but alas I could not find much at all. I was able to find out that he was born in 1962 and he also plays the piano and I gathered information on his works. So, here is my attempt at putting out some information out there on him so others like myself can find out stuff. I know it looks very empty at the moment, but I am hoping to be able to find more plummy stuff to put here soon!


He plays Rory's dashing lit teacher, Max Medina, who is involved with Loralei...can't wait to see more!

On Thursday evenings

Go here to read his complete filmography!

If anyone has any information and/or pictures on Scott Cohen I would be most grateful for them!:)

I am not in any way whatsoever affliated with Scott Cohen , this is merely a nonprofit page put out there for others, like myself who immensely enjoy his work. No copywrite infringement is intended.

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Here's some more links to go to:

My first page for Dan Futterman!
Really rad site for The 10th Kingdom with loads of information and a few games ~ very original!
New 10th Kingdom Site that's starting!
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