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All about me!!!

Hi!!! It's me! Angela D, owner of Team Rocket's Hideout! I really do look like Sailor Mercury (blue hair included!!)and there have been many times where I was at this position on the computer. Hey! I am right now!

I thought I'd take some time out of my busy schedule and talk about me! This is my first time doing this so I'm a wee bit nervous.

What can I say about Team Rocket... hmmm... they don't really regard me as a member because I don't really steal Pokemon. I just house members. But they know I do it so I'm kinda a member...hard to explain! But they did issue me a pokemon! :-) Although I just think they were ditching it onto me, I love it. My pokemon is the world's most disobedient Pikachu. It's name is Chu-chu. I'll put a section up about it later.

Ummm, let's see here what else can i say about me... oh yes! I like anime! Well, that's a little obvious, but who cares? I really have no preference on the subbed vs. dubbed thing, because both have shown their strong points.

I'm also the owner of Angela's Travis Lee Worshipping page Travis Lee is the 1st baseman of the AZ Diamond backs. I love baseball!

OK, enough of my rambling

LIKES (in no particular order): POKEMON!!! SAILOR MOON!!! all other anime, Travis Lee, Video Games, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Space Mountain, Cute Guys Backstreet Boys, Looney Tunes, Pooh Bear, Tigers, Kitties, Puppies, Patrick (oops! How'd this slip in there? :::prays::: Call me!), Matchbox 20, Daria, THe X-Files, Hokey, Baseball, aliens, The Matrix (cool movie. I give it 5 stars!), WNBA, THe Far Side, FoxTrot, Beanie Babies and other fuzzy cute things, SNL, Pizza, Chicken Fingers and Onion Rings (yes, together. Spy Game food baby!! a small handful of people know what I'm talking about) chocolate, those huge lollipops you get at Disneyland, Snickers, Skittles, Ben and Jerry's Phish Food Ice Cream (yummy), Mountain Dew, Writing Spy Stories, and a wee little orginization known as... TEAM ROCKET!!!!

DISLIKES: Mickey Mouse cartoons, 1920's cartoons (the eyes freak me out!), NOT GETTING E-MAIL, Briteny Spears, Hanson, The 2 B's and K (my buds know who), People who think I'm an absolute genius because I get As and Bs on my report card and always ask if I'm in the advanced programs (which are the work of the devil. All they are is more homework!), Homework, This girl in 3rd- 6th grade named Michelle Hopkins (I'll hate... I mean, dislike you verry verry much forever!!), Barney, Star Trek, Movie endings that are a wedding, Chocolate covered cookie dough they sell at movie theaters (CHOCOLATE COVERED COOKIE CRAP!!!) Diet anything, Furbys.

P.S. It's just a little crush