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Calvin and Hobbes

Garfield is not the only comic I like, but I also like Calvin and Hobbes too! I was first introduced to it by a friend in 4th grade, at first I thought it was dumb, because I didn't like reading so much and I only was used to Garfield. But as I matured I began to appreciate the comics and how long they were, which made them better than I thought they were! Unfortunately Bill Watterson quit making Calvin and Hobbes, which made me sad when I found out about it in the 6th grade. Despite the fact that Mr. Watterson quit, I hope you enjoy these images and photos.

Meet the Characters

Calvin is a little bratty kid, sort of like me! :-)~

Hobbes is Calvin's stuffed/real tiger friend. Only Calvin can see him as a tiger.

These are Calvin's parents, and you wouldn't believe what they've had to put up with!

Susie. People believe Calvin has a mild crush on her which he shows by annoying her!

Calvin's teacher Miss Wormwood, she's had to put up with a lot from Calvin also!

This is Calvin's babysitter, she's probably the person Calvin fears the most.

And finally there's Moe, he's every bully you can ever imagine.

The Comic Books

Calvin and Hobbes

Something Under the Bed is Drooling

Yukon Ho!

Weirdos from Another Planet!

The Revenge of the Baby-Sat

Scientific Progress Goes "Boink"

The Days are Just Packed

The Calvin and Hobbes Tenth Anniversary

Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat

There's Treasure Everywhere

It's a Magical World

Treasury Collections

The Essential Calvin and Hobbes

The Calvin and Hobbes Lazy Sunday Book

The Authoritative Calvin and Hobbes

The Indispensable Calvin and Hobbes

My Garfield Page
My Baseball Page

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