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I have dabbled with watercolor for a long time, especially liking the richness of gouache.  When I began teaching high school art I wanted to introduce my students to watercolors, and brought in Roberta Rogers as a guest speaker.  Teaching "10 different techniques" for a couple of semesters expanded my skills with watercolor, and I developed a passion for this medium.  I think it is the alchemistry of watercolor that I love; mixing water and dried paint, salt crystals, masks, washes and layers.

Finding the 6" x 12" format, a painting I could sink into during the length of a prep hour, or a stolen part of a Sat. morning, a shape that hinted of movement, time passing, landscapes, helped stir me as a painter.    This whole series of paintings, which is still ongoing, comes out of the desire to express a specific idea, emtion, situation that I am experiencing at that moment.

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She Flies     Watercolor, 6" x 12", October 1999

Tree for Adrian     Watercolor, 6" x 12", November 1999

I Can Do Anything     Watercolor, 6" x 12", September 1999

Magician     Watercolor, 6" x 12", December 1999

Out of the Pits     Watercolor, 6" x 12", November 1999

Unwrap The Gift That Is Me     Watercolor, 6" x 12", January 1999

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