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~†~~Kittys Wicked World~~†~


You have just entered Kittys Wicked World! Come on in, stay awhile! It's "Dark" here, you say? Hehehehehe....Kitty likes the dark. Sit with me a spell, we'll light a candle or two,, the dark can be wonderful if you embrace it.

I want to take you on a journey, a journey of pain and pleasure, through poetry. Some of it very, very dark and painful,, some of it somewhat erotic,, but then again, you decide which is which.

One mans pain, is another mans pleasure. So you decide, which is "dark and painful",, and which is "erotic" I only express what is deep inside, I only put into words that which comes from deep within and shapes my very being....That which rips forth from my soul, which overwhelms my very heart....That which seeks escape with words,, for the feelings are too great to keep within....

Begin the journey now,, read on if you dare,, for my pain is great,, my passion, intense!


There is a thin line,
between sanity and insanity,
it pulses like a spiders web,
in the morning breeze,
gently swaying back and forth.
Dew weighs it down,
like life on our shoulders,
pressing, pressing,, downwards..
Threatening to break our minds,
like the spiders web...

It's a very thin line, between sane,
and insane...
One move,
this way, or that way,,
all to lose,,
nothing to gain.

There is a thin line,
between love and hate,,
one gives everything, the other one takes
Like the earth gives to us,
our violence and greed,
the soul breaks,
cracking in two, a very thin line,
watching the web, the life spider makes

It's a very thin line, between sane,
and insane...
One move,
this way, or that,,
all to lose,,
nothing to gain....

There is a thin line,
between life and death,,
we should know what we want, but,
it's not what we get...
If life does us wrong,
the world, do we blame,,
it's a very thin line,,,
between sane,, and insane......

Written: By KAT May 5, 1999


It's my day, my choice,
I can choose to have a good day,
or I can choose to have a bad day.
I can choose to hate,
or choose to love.
I can choose to be angry,
or simply let it go..
It's all up to me, my choice,,
Who, or what, or how, I want to be.
I can let others choose for me,
or take control myself..
Move the music, or let it move me..
Let my heart shine,,,
or let the darkness in...
It's my day, my choice,,
so why is it so hard?...
Why do I choose the pain,,
the darkness?...
My heart aches to let it's light shine,
my mind yearns to be happy and free.
But, try as I might,,
I can't let the dark and pain be...

It's my day,,, my choice,
so what will it be.
do I let myself feel what is there,
grab it, hold it, hug it to me,,
and move on,,,
or do I let the day choose for me?..

Never simple, when the heart is wounded.
Never simple, when there is pain.
Only good, is easy,
pain is overwhelming,,consuming.
It's my day,,, my choice,,
so what will it be?...
My heart aches for life,,
So,, I'll set the pain free...

Written By: KAT April 1999


Frightened, I can feel it building again
the rage pushed down inside of me.
The demon refuses to stay sleeping,
made angry, by one named IGNORANCE.
Heart pounding,, it is consuming me.
Building inside of me, the rage burns,
hotter than the fires of Hell.
The demon seeks to destroy me,,
laughing, laughing,,
it will NOT be put to sleep.
So close to the surface...
Does it seek to destroy me?...
or, Ignorance?...
Rising in intensity,, anger,
frustration, feed the fire
screaming inside of me,
ripping it's way to the surface.
The demon wants out...
I can feel it's hunger growing
but is it me,, or ignorance it wants?
If I let the demon out,,
can I trust the demon to leave,
or will it turn on me,
like anger and hate,
turn on a heart full of love...
I want to let the demon out,,
let it go,,,
but it has been part of me forever.
I can feel it so close to the surface now
pounding,, screaming,,
tearing it's way out...
If I let it out,,
will it take my soul with it?
or just the poison it fed on for so long?
And for a second,, my heart stops,,
and the demon laughs,,
and I know too,, it's not me it wants,,
for standing before me,,
On THIS, the demon feeds,
and I know, as I let the anger go,,,
it's time, to let the demon out....

Written By: KAT April 19,1999

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Many Thanks go to DrackuLady for awarding my site!.. Thanks DrackuLady!!...

And for those who have visited, for those who have enjoyed my "Dark Little World",, many thanks go out to you all also!... The "Dark" isn't so bad,, isn't so dark, when you share it with someone!...

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~~†~~The Darkness Within~~†~~
~~†~~A Softer Touch~~†~~
~~†~~The Blood Gift~~†~~
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