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WEST PALM BEACH, Fla., March 23 /PRNewswire/ -- Saf T Lok Incorporated (Nasdaq: LOCK - news) today commented on the press conference held yesterday by the Governor and Lt. Governor of the State of Maryland to praise the Montgomery County Division of the Maryland-National Capital Area Park Police for its decision to require all off-duty law enforcement officers to use Saf T LokŪ internal magazine locks on their department-issued GlockŪ handguns.

The Montgomery Division of the Park Police recently purchased 100 Saf T LokŪ magazines to replace the trigger locks officers use while off- duty. Over 35 law enforcement agencies have now purchased the company's locks.

In a press release issued by the Office of the Governor, the Honorable Parris N. Glendening said, ``The Maryland-National Capital Park Police's responsible decision to require all off-duty officers to use these technologically advanced locking magazines in their handguns clearly defines the difference between the two sides of the gun safety debate. Governor Glendening continued, ''I encourage every gun owner to follow this lead and to get and use available safety locks now. Together, we can begin to end handgun-related killings, and reach the day when mothers and fathers no longer have to worry that their children will die from senseless handgun violence.``

Lt. Governor Kathleen Kennedy Townsend explained, ``The decision by these law enforcement officers to require this cutting edge gun safety technology is another step for our State's ongoing battle against needless gun deaths. This step is crucial to protecting police officers and their families from senseless gun violence.''

The governor's press release also included Montgomery Division Chief Elizabeth Kreiter's statement that, ``This new technology will keep our firearms much safer since the weapon will not be able to be used by anyone other than the officer. It is my strong conviction that if we in law enforcement fail to embrace more advanced and safer technology, we will be doing both our officers and communities we serve a terrible disservice.''

The Governor and Lt. Governor also urged the legislature to move forward with the Administration's Responsible Gun Safety Act, which, among other things, seeks to ensure that every new handgun sold in Maryland by 2002 is equipped with internal locking devices.

Frank Brooks, Chairman of Saf T Lok and the inventor of the Saf T LokŪ magazine lock, commented on the Glendening Administration's leadership in handgun safety and its impact on the company. ``The sale of 100 magazine locks, in and of itself, is not significant. The fact that a State Governor saw fit to focus on our products as part of a campaign to place Maryland at the nation's forefront with respect to handgun safety is precedent setting. We applaud the Administration's bold and timely actions to protect Maryland's children from accidental shootings and unauthorized use of handguns.''

Saf T Lok Incorporated manufactures internal gun safety locks for revolvers and semi-automatic handguns. Saf T LokŪ gun locks become an integral part of the handgun and are deactivated by the user's own personal identification number (PIN). The Saf T Lok can safely lock a loaded or unloaded handgun from unauthorized use while still allowing instant access to the authorized user. The locks are completely mechanical and do not require batteries, keys, rings or gadgets to operate the lock.