Star Trek: The Next Generation

The stories listed below were originally published in Haven, by Nova Press Publications.

All stories are copyright D. Baudoin, and may not be reprinted without the author's express permission. The stories are not intended to infringe on the rights of any legal copyright holders.

A Little Spark of Heaven: Mr. Homm is Lwaxana Troi's most trusted companion. But even she can't help him when he stumbles across a deadly object.

A Song in the Sunlight: Deanna Troi receives an unusual gift in memory of the most important event in her life.

A Little Kindness Keeps on Going and Going...: The culmination of way too much boredom and high doses of caffeine, this little story asks the burning question: "What do you get when you combine a doctor named Crusher, a doctor named Pulaski, and way too many Cardassian Suicides?" The answer...trouble. A sequel to A Little Kindness Goes a Long Way.

Picard in Hell: Let the punishment fit the crime. Picard finds this out the hard way when he's sent to his final judgement.