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EWW Friday Night Crucifixion, live on USA Network, 9PM ET / 8PM CT

Trish Stratus

Tammy Lynn Sytch

Trish Stratus vs. Tammy Lynn Sytch
Evening Gown Womens Title Match

This evening gown match was set up by The Prez a few nights ago at a house show. This was the first show back after the EWW Christmas Special Monday Meltdown, and it was kicking off with an evening gown Womens Title Match. Tammy Lynn Sytch's music started as she came out with one of the Wolverines Chris Benoit. She looked fired up and ready as she got in the ring in a very nice purple/black evening gown. The Team Extreme music started next as Trish Stratus walked out. Not one member of Team Extreme was escorting her to the ring as all three men were getting ready for their matches later on. Trish got in the ring and rushed at Tammy. She missed and Tammy started trying to grabher clothing. However, it was Trish who pulled the first piece of clothing off when she tore Tammy's sleeve off. Tammy got her own back though when she managed to yank Trish's sleeve off too. After a mini slap-fight, the two looked like they were going to tie up, but Trish kicked Tammy in the stomach and then chokedher in the corner. It didn't take long then for Trish to tear Tammy's skirt off, revealing frilly red panties. Trish backed off and ran at Tammy, but TLS stuck her foot up in Trish's throat. The same happened again and Tammy charged at Trish and speared her down! She slapped at the face of Trish andthen kicked her in the corner. After a snapmare by the ahir Triple M started walking down. Tammy was distracted by him and started to face him. She shouted at him and told him to get to the back. Triple M just laughed as Trish came from behind and ripped off Tammy's top leaving her in bra and panties! Trish had won the match with the help of Triple M, and he was obviously still hoping for Team Extreme to stay together. After Triple M, Trish, Benoit and Tammy had left, the cameras went to ringside. Bob: "Well after that short incident to say the least, the question that has been going around all week is ‘Are Team Extreme finished?' What do you think Bart?
Bob: "Well duh Bob. It's obvious these guys are through. Ok, so Triple M may be just joining, but I think The Prez has done his work in destroying Team Exreme. I mean, have you seen what these guys have been saying about each other lately?
Bob: "Yeah but they're only kidding. Anyway, up next is what looks to be a brutal Hardcore Title match between Dark Flame and Apocalypse!"


Dark Flame

Apocalypse vs. ‘Dark Flame' Brian Lopez
Hardcore Title Match

Brian Lopez's music sounded and he walked out with his Hardcore Title as the fans booed him. He dropped it and got into the ring. Apocalypse's music was next after the lights cut. Brian Lopez couldn't even wait as he tried to get at Apocalypse when he was coming down the ramp. He kneed Apocalypse in the stomach, punched him a couple of times and then dropped him on the fan railings. When he tried this again, Apocalypse dropped Dark Flame's head on the railings, and then balanced on top of them. When Lope turned around, he jumped off hitting a karate type kick. After picking Lopez up and throwing him in the ring, Apocalypse went underneath the ring and got a few weapons out. When he slid in the ring with them, Dark Flame stomped him before he could get up. He whipped Apocalypse off the ropes and clotheslined him down. He went over to the weapons Apocalypse had brought in and grabbed a trash can lid. As he was about to hit him with it, Apocalypse kicked it back in his face. Apocalypse grabbed the lid and hit Lopez in the kneecap.He did it to the other and then was about to in the face, but Brian suplexed him, and once again picked up the lid. He whipped Apocalypse off the ropes and on his return levelled him with it. The match had hardly gotten good yet, and sirens blasted throughout the P.A. system. A huge red circle with a line through it appeared on the Watotron as all five members from Right To Censor appeared on the stage! Steven Richards, Bull Buchanan, The Goodfather, Val Venis and Ivory were all stood there as the fans looked on in amazement. Steven had a microphone with him and spoke to the crowd.
Steven Richards: "Ladies and gentlemen, what you are seeing here is an example of why we have come to Extreme Web Wrestling. We transferred to EWW from the WWF because our business was taken care of. We even took the name ‘Mr. Ass' from Billy Gunn, but as we see he has come here instead so he can use his name again. Well now we are here, we are telling you, no more! And we are starting by censoring this display of brutality in what we call ‘The Right Way"
The fans are still staring and booing at RTC, and totally shocked by their appearence. All four men rush down to the ring as Ivory stays at the top of the ramp. Brian Lopez tried to fight back, but RTC annihilated him. Whilst The Goodfather and Bull Buchanan held Lopez up as Steven Richards hit the Steven Kick, they went over to Apocalypse and kept him down on the floor, as Val Venis hit his ‘Money Shot.' The sirens played again as RTC walked up the ramp and left through the curtain with Ivory.

Triple M

Kurt Angle

Triple M vs. Kurt Angle
US Title Inferno Match with the winner earning the last entry spot in the Royal Rumble

Firstly, Kurt Angle walked out with The Prez. The fans booed both and tried to hit them with trash. Kurt wasn't wearing his usual attire and had thick clothing on, obviously in case he was set on fire. Just as Angle was getting in the ring and the ring crew were finishing putting the inferno bar up, the Watotron went to a clip of Team Extreme backstage. He said that even though The Prez was at ringside, he didn't want any member of Team Extreme to interfere, because he wanted to do this by himself. His music started and he walked out to huge cheers. He walked to the ring, up the steps and got in. The two men stared at each other as the fire arouns the ring started. The bell rang as Triple M kicked his opponent in the stomach and started to punch him. These punches were hardly affecting Kurt, and Angle just raked Triple M in the eyes and threw him into the corner. He started hitting Msterio, until on the third punch Triple M ducked and sent Angle back into the corner. After a few more right hands, he whipped Kurt to the other corner and followed it up with a splash. He twisted Kurt's arm round and then with his other arm, chopped it down. He carried on with punches and then once again whipped the gold medalist into the corner. He ran at Kurt, but Angle lifted Mysterio over his back, and he fell on the edge of the ring just by the flames. Kurt picked Triple M up and got him in the corner. He stomped him and then whipped MMM to the other corner. He rebounded off the corner, only to run into a Kurt Angle clothesline. Kurt hit Triple M with measured shots and then when he was in the corner delivered a kick to the heart. Kurt was trying to put Triple M's hair into the fire, but Mysterio managed to kick him off. It didn't last long though as when Triple M got up, Kurt grabbed him by the hair and slammed him backwards down to the mat. Triple M tried to use the ropes to help himself up, but Kurt Angle took advantage of the situation by trying to push Triple M's face into the fire. What was even sicker about it was that The Prez was cheering him on to do this. His face was inches away from the fire, but Triple M managed to use the ropes to block with one arm, and he grabbed Kurt Angle's eye with the other. He ripped at his eye and then rested for a minute. He kicked Kurt in the ribs and tried whipping him off the ropes. The whip was reversed and when Triple M bounced back, Kurt powerslammed him - with great difficulty. He chopped him in the neck and then choked Triple M. As Triple M tried to get up, The Prez tossed a chair in the ring. Kurt Angle picked it up and then waited for Mysterio to get to a standing position. When he did, Kurt blasted him with the chair sending him straight back down! Kurt threw the chair back to Prez and then went over to Triple M. He picked him up and hit his head against the top turnbuckle. Kurt stopped for a moment to taunt the crowd, and somehow Triple M managed to pull up enough strength to kick his opponet in the stomach. He did this again, but Kurt kneed him in the chest and knocked him back down. Kurt dragged him to the side of the ring and once again tried to put his head in the fire. He couldn't do it and picked Triple M up. He got him in the corner and started pucnhing him just like before. After a whip to the other corner, Triple M was reduced to his knees. Kurt hit an uppercut and then placed MMM in the corner. He took a few steps back and then ran at his opponent. Triple M got his foot up and kicked the olympic champ in the face. He then kicked him in a more hurtful place, low blowing him, and then executed a side russian legsweep. He legdropped Kurt, and then picked him up. He whipped him off the ropes and then grabbed him by the throat, obviously setting up for his patented chokeslam. But, instead, Kurt was the one delivering the low blow this time, releasing Mysterio's hand from his neck. Kurt then hit a huge DDT leaving Triple M in the middle of the ring. After picking Triple M up, he got behind Mysterio setting up for the Olympic Slam, but Mysterio pushed him off into the corner. He grabbed him by the throat once again and this time delivered the chokeslam! Triple M celebrated with the crowd and he was really fired up now! He pulled Kurt up and whipped him off the ropes. On his way back, he got his big boot up, but unfortunately for him, so did Triple M. They both got boots to the face and were now down. Prez started shouting at Kurt encouraging him to get up, and he was actually first up. Triple M came up shortly after and tried to whip Kurt Angle. Kurt reversed the whip, but Triple M ducked his clothesline and bounced off the other side. He went for a flying clothesline but Kurt smartly dodged out of the way. Mysterio was centimetres away from the fire where he landed, but he managed to roll back towards the middle of the ring. Kurt picked him up and landed a sidewalk slam. Kurt then risked his feet catching fire next as he climbed the turnbuckle! He was so close and was being very careful getting to the top rope. When he eventually got there, Triple M was up and he pushed the ropes and Kurt fell on his crotch. Kurt's boots were so very close to the flames and the plastic on them was virtually melting with the heat. Triple M walked up to him and also risked setting on fire when he stood on the second rope. He grabbed Kurt around the neck and hit a thunderous superplex! Both men were fatigued and down and were both up around the same time. After a clothesline, Triple M threw Kurt Angle to the outside and to the floor! He even missed the flames! Kurt started to head back to the locker room, but Jacknife John appeared and cut him off in his path! He started punching him all the way to the ring and hit the Jacknife Powerbomb on the concrete floor! Triple M then ran over the other side of the ring and flew over the ropes on top of Kurt Angle! Jacknife John smiled and walked to the back, and Triple M stood up as the fans were going crazy! He pulled Kurt up as The Prez crept up behind Triple M with a chair in his hand. He headbutted Kurt Angle twice and then Prez struck him with a chair! The fans started booing but they started cheering once again when they noticed that Prez's chair shot hadn't had any effect on Triple M whatsoever! Triple M just turned round viciously and stared at Prez! Prez started begging for mercy as he dropped the chair, and Triple M picked it up. He turned around and levelled Kurt twice with it, once across the head and then across his back! When Mysterio made sure Kurt was down, he went back to Prez. He followed him just strolling down the aisle as Prez backed off. They got to the stage and Prez tried to run but there was nowhere to go as Jacknife John appeared in the entrance way again! Triple M turned him round and chokeslammed Prez right on the stage! The fans went crazy again and Triple M walked back to the ring. He picked up the chair once again as Kurt started to get up. Triple M struck Kurt with it once more and he fell back into the fire! Kurt's arm andback was blazing! And Prez was down. He started screaming and running down the ramp and at the top of the ramp Apocalypse appeared with a fire extinguisher. He put out the fire and helped Kurt and a bleeding Prez up. Kurt was also bleeding after the chair shots and Apocalypse helped them to the back. Triple M celebrated by grabbing his US Title and walked to the back, still using enough energy to slap the fans' hands on his way to the backstage area. He got to Team Extreme in the back and told Jacknife John that he never interfered in the match, but just helped the match continue and helped destroy The Prez! He then wished both Jeff and John luck in the next match.

Jacknife John

Jeff Hardy

Jacknife John vs. Jeff Hardy
World Title Title Match

Jeff Hardy's music hit and he walked out focused and ready, obviously showing that even though they were part of the same stable, they were coming out seperately. He walked to the ring and got in, and waited for Jacknife John to come out. His music obviously started next and he walked out with just the World Title. He held the title up to show to the fans as they cheered. He handed the belt to the referee and then shook hands with Jeff Hardy. The bell rang as Jacknife John was taunting with the crowd, and Jeff rolled John up from behind, only to get a two count. Jacknife looked shocked but laughed about it. He bounced off the ropes, but Jeff elbowed him in the stomach and then punched him in the face. Jeff kicked him and then tried a whip, but JJ reversed it. When he came back, he tried a hiptoss but couldn't lift Jeff up, and Jeff had the same problem when he tried reversing the maneuver. Jacknife John broke off and tried a clothesline. Jeff ducked and kicked Jacknife John, but John grabbed his foot, but Jeff cleverly hit an enziguri. He picked Jacknife John and leaned him against the ropes. After a couple of slaps to his chest, Jacknife moved into the corner. Jeff continued punching him and then tried whipping Jacknife off the ropes, but the World and European Champion reversed it and delivered a high knee to the face. Jeff rolled out of the ring to rest as Trish started to walk down. She looked like she was helping Jeff up, but instead she threw him in the ring. Jeff looked confused and he then turned around to a Jacknife John clothesline. John picked Jeff back up, whipped him off the ropes and then lifted the LHW Champ up and hit an atomic drop. He then hooked up with a front face lock and landed a vertical suplex. Jacknife backed into the corner and then ran and hit a knee drop to Jeff Hardy's head. He went for a pin on Jeff but only got a two count. He picked Jeff up, and whipped him into the corner with so much power, that not only did Jeff fall straight down, but it made the ring shake! When Jacknife walked towards Jeff, he kicked JJ in the stomach. He then whipped the current champ into the corner and hit a roundhouse kick, sending Jacknife John out of the ring. Trish went round to him and showing now favoritism threw Jacknife John back in the ring too! She was obviously making sure they both settled this like men. When Jacknife asked Trish what she was doing, she didn't reply and Jacknife turned round right into a spinning heel kick. After Jeff had gotten a twocount, Jacknife John reversed Jeff's whip and hit a tilt-o-whirl backbreaker. He went for a cover and got a two count himself. Jeff then reversed John's whip this time, but he made the mistake of lowering his head, and Jacknife John hit him with a knee to the face. Jacknife then clotheslined Jeff Hardy up and over the ropes and Trish this time didn't do anything. Suddenly, The Prez's voice could be heard but was nowhere to be seen. The cameras managed to find him though and zoomed in on a platform by the fans.
The Prez: "Hey Jacknife. Yeah, up here bozo. You know, you and Team Extreme have done a pretty good job here tonight haven't you. You managed to set Kurt on fire, you managed to almost knock me out! But as you should know by now, The Corporate Outlaws always have the last laugh."
As Prez continued talking, only about a tenth of the crowd realised that on the other side of the arena, Apocalypse had come through the crowd and picked Jeff Hardy up. He drove him groin first into the ringpost and then left through the crowd. Only a small portion of the crowd saw this because everyone else's attention, including JacknifeJohn's and the referee's was on The Prez up on the platform.
The Prez: "Well after you took out Kurt and myself, there was one man you forgot about which RTC had to try and get, and that was Apocalypse. Well to prove to you that you should've never messed with the Corporate Outlaws, and also that we really do have the last laugh, so why don't you turn around and smell the roses. Yeah, nice job einstein."
Jacknife John turned round to see Jeff Hardy on the floor in pain. He went out to help him as the referee started a ten count. He started screaming to tel John to get in the ring so at least one of them won the match, and in the end John did as he was told. He got in on 8 and the referee counted Jeff Hardy out and awarded Jacknife John the match when he reached ten. Jacknife went back out, as Triple M came down and Trish came round as well. Jeff explained that it was Apocalypse, and Friday Night Crucifixion went off the air with Team Extreme furious and helping Jeff Hardy to the back.