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You're eating breakfats when Professor Gibbons stands up. "Today will be a field trip to Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade. If you need to earn money, you can do some of this work, or do a job for me. NO GOING TO KNOCKTURN ALLEY! You will be supervised!" With that she dismisses you.

You and your friends dash up to your common room. No Knockturn Alley? Supervision? Very funny! You were assigned to Professor Kettleburn and he won't be able to follow you! Besides, there's a secret passageway right behind Flourishes and Blots that leads to Knockturn Alley. You and your friends grab some sandwiches and start off with Professor Kettleburn. Of course your first stop is Gringotts to get your money out. Then you continue on to the shops you want. In the middle of Diagon Alley, you lose Professor Kettleburn and are as free as birds.

Go to Diagon Alley
Go to Hogsmeade
Go to Knockturn Alley
Go to the Great Hall
