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Semper Fidelis

Hi my name is Chris I am 6'2", 190lbs, brown hair, My eyes change colors, musclure build That picture of me is six or seven years old, so I do look diffrent now. Ask me for a updated picture. I lived in Gilbert, Arizona.I graduated from the best school, Gilbert High. I love raceing and jumping bikes.I love driving and racing my car. I Graduated Marine Corp bootcamp September 6, 2002. i have finished my schooling for the Marine Corp. My school was for Motor Transportation. I drive Hummers and 7 ton trucks,(HMMVW M1123 and MK 23,25,27,28 thats for all my military friends) I got me exsplosive licens and my Howitzer Licens, im supose to get my bus licens next month, I am stationed over in Hawaii. I have traveled to Thailand,The Phillipines I am going to Korea in March and I'm Suppose to go to Austrilia by the end of this year. i was stationed in okinawa for seven months. i have fallin in love with an angel

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