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International Breweries Inc.

By Dave Paradine
  International Breweries Inc.(IBI) acquired the Southern Brewery Co.
of Tampa in October of 1956. IBI was first formed in 1955 in Detroit
Michigan with plants in Frankenmuth Michigan, and Buffalo, N.Y., and later
plants in Covington, KY., and Findlay, OH.
The Brewery located at 700 East Zack Street produced
at least 9 different brands of Beer + Ale through out its History in Tampa.
With the arrival of the National Schlitz Plant and the Anhueser Busch's
Plant in North Tampa, IBI took a big hit locally. After the closure of the
Tampa Florida Brewery in 1961, IBI bought the copyright name "Tropical".
It was hoped they could regain there local market by doing so.
The sheer size and output of the 2 National Breweries (Schlitz + Busch)
drove prices down while saturating the local market. IBI unable to
profitably stay in this competition closed in and around 1963. They produced 9 different brands of beer at the Tampa plant.
I decided to list them by brand starting with Silver Bar Ale + Beer.

Silver Bar Ale + Beer

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Silver Bar Tap
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close up off Tap
in second picture
This Silver Bar Straight Ale Tap has bottom writing stating "International Breweries Inc., Detroit, Mich., Buffalo, N.Y. Tampa, Fla., Findlay, O,. Covington, Ky., 12-61".
The second Tap only shows 2 cities, New York and Michigan. With the Ponce de Leon logo, it is definitely from Tampa. The third picture shows the close up of the embossed emblem. I believe this was never used and was supposed to be stamped under the wording "Silver Bar". This Tap also has it's original box, which tells me these must have been give-aways for some kind of promotional advertisement.

They did make 4 different "**Ale**" flat tops with a circular picture of Ponce de Leon above the Silver Bar logo. 2 of these have green backgrounds in the circular picture, I can not tell the diffences between those two. The other 2 Ales have darker (black) background areas of Ponce de Leon, once again I am unsure of there differences.

They also made 2 different Silver Bar "**Beer**" flat tops with the Ponce de Leon circular picture above the Silver Bar logo. There diffences have one with a red background around the Ponce de Leon picture and the other with a black background. Someday I will have some of these in my Collection for a better reference, even if they are dumpers.

International Silver Bar Ale + Beer

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These 5 labels are
Bottle Labels
12 oz
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12 oz
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12 oz
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12 oz
notice the addition
of lettering on top
left side "Trade Mark Registered"
right side "U.S. Patent Office"
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One Quart size
In addition to bottling beer the Tampa plant produced 2 flat tops, one Ale (book value $40.00) and one Beer (book value $25.00). The Covington, Ky. plant also produced the International Silver Bar Ale (book value $55.00), as pictured to your right. The Buffalo, N.Y. plant produced the Silver Bar Beer (book value $55.00). I still need the 2 from Tampa and the one from N.Y.

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12 oz Bottle
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6 Pack Bottle Holder
doesn't mention Tampa,
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Large lighted sign

3 sided lighted sign
shows one side
also has this logo on one more side
Shows the 3rd side
around top ridge
Actual Box it came in
These 4 pictures show one sign.

Bavarian's Select Beer

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12 oz Bottle Label
The Tampa plant produced this in a Flat Top with a book value of $45.00. Here is another one that I will someday own. I do have the 12 oz bottle label. The Covington, Ky. plant also produced this Can in 2 variations.

Tropical Ale

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12 oz Bottle Label
This Tropical Straight Ale Tap has the markings "International Breweries Inc., Detroit, Mich., Buffalo, N.Y. Tampa, Fla., Findlay, O,. Covington, Ky., 12-61". Pat Taylor an avid Fla Collector has a Flat Top with the International logo around the bottom of the Can. I have seen a Zip-Top sell on ebay but am unsure of it's origin, but the age places it with International. I have also seen a large lighted Tropical Ale sign sell at one of our Gator Trader shows. If you have any knowledge of this brand or have any items (Pic or Desciption) would be greatly appreciated.

Frankenmuth Ale + Beer

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12 oz Flat Top Beer Can
The Tampa plant produced these in Flat Top Cans with a Frankenmuth Mel O Dry Ale, (as shown, book value $90.00) and a Frankenmuth Mel O Dry Beer (Red color, book value $70.00). International also produced these (identical Cans) in Buffalo N.Y. I'm sure there are corresponding bottle labels so I look forward to the day I find these and find the Cans.

Stolz Beer

The Tampa plant also produced Stolz Beer in flat top Cans. The USBC states this Can as being brewed by Stolz brewery and not International so I am confused on this one? This Label , it also shows "Stolz Brewing Co. Tampa Fl.
Soooo was the Stolz brewery a seperate identity? International produced an Identical Flat Top in Covington, Ky. They also produced 2 different variations yet very similar to the Tampa Can in Buffalo, N.Y. Any help here would be greatly appreciated.

The consensus on inputs from this leads to name recognition, or lack of. They wanted a "New" beer on the market that would not be associated with the typical Beer and Ale that's been produced for years under the same brewery. "Give the people something different". Which probably was pretty much the same beer as the other brands, just a different package.

Kol Beer

Tampa also produced Kol Premium Quality Beer. Here again International is not mentioned as to it's brewery. This brand was produced in Flat Tops in a total of 14 different cities. The Tampa Can having a book value at $55.00. Kol Brewing Co., I'm beginning to think these were contracted out to different Breweries for name recognition. I have seen bottle labels for this brand and look forward to finding these also someday. I do have flat tops of Kol from Atlantic, Chicago and an 11oz Flat from Tacoma, Washington.

Phoenix Premium Beer

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12 oz Flat Top
Phoenix Brewing Co.
Book value $90.00
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12 oz Flat Top
International Breweries Inc.
Book value $125.00
The Can on your right was produced by the Phoenix Brewing Co. Tampa Fl. and the other by International. My guess since the International has a higher book value they didn't start producing these until closer to 1960. Then there thinking was to change names in hopes of better name recognition. The International was probably a very short run.
The Buffalo N.Y. plant also produced Phoenix. They also produced it under the Phoenix Brewing Co. and International label. There label differences in color are a lot less vivid than Tampa's and there book value a little less.
Book value means a Can is as close to mint as possible. Mine are obviously offgrade but are still valuable to the tune of $20.00 or so.

Orbit Premium Beer

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12 oz Flat Top Beer Can
The Tampa Plant also produced Orbit Premium Beer. This was labeled by the "Orbit Brewing Company", with a book value of $45.00. Miami also produced this under the Orbit Brewing Co. Did they ever make this beer for bottles? (there is a 12 oz Bottle Label) any advertisements?

In Perspective

International Breweries Inc. 1956-1963
Names used as breweries:

  • International Breweries
  • Frankenmuth Brewing Co.
  • Kol Brewing Co.
  • Orbit Brewery
  • Phoenix Brewing Co.
  • Stolz Brewing Co.

    Names used for Beer Brands:

  • Silver Bar Beer
  • Silver Bar Ale
  • Stolz Premium Beer
  • Phoenix Premium Beer
  • Orbit Premium Beer
  • Kol Premium Quality Beer
  • International Silver Bar Beer
  • International Silver Bar Ale
  • Frankenmuth Mel O Dry Beer
  • Frankenmuth Mel O Dry Ale
  • Bavarian Select Beer

    This list is representative to Beer Cans. They may have bottle under another name that I am unaware of at this time. And this list also follows what was produced in Flat Tops only at this time. If you no of some of these being produced in Zip-Tops or Tab-Tobs please let me know.

    Any other tid-bits of knowledge dealing with this Brewery would be Greatly Appreciated! Any dates to Cans, were there Tab-Tops, Labels, advertising, etc....

    IBI also produced Old Dutch Beer from Findlay, Ohio. (as shown), and Iroqois Ale and Beer from Buffalo N.Y.

    HEY !!! Give Me a Holler!!!!
    Email: Beer Can Dave!