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Slug & Lettuce
Profane Existence
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1. Selfish ideals
2. Our biggest mistake
3. Inhuman cage
4. A world without future
5. Hiroshima (DIRT)
6. Insecurity
7. Organize
8. Another bullet,another dead


Another bullet, another dead

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Contravene "forever in struggle" demo Tape

self released in 1999.
Number made unknown

status: out of print

1. Selfish ideals
2. Our biggest mistake
3. Inhuman cage
4. A world without future
5. Hiroshima (DIRT)
6. Insecurity
7. Organize
8. Another bullet,another dead

[click here] to download the song "Another Bullet, Another Dead" from the "forever in struggle" demo.

Other Misc. Info About This Release:
Recorded in our practice space on an 8 track by Eric's cousin only a couple months after we formed. Some of the tracks on this demo were never recorded again. No "official" number of these have been made as we made them as we sold/got orders for them. As well as the fact that there are tons of tape distros around the world that make copies of these and sell them as well.

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