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As I sit down by the River,
Under the shade of an old oak tree,
Watching the water slowly flowing by,
And Dreaming, I picture myself as a leaf,
Floating on top of the water,

Could I float away from Life?
Just move along with the breeze,
Sliding over the ripples,
Being light as a Feather...

Ahh Feathers, maybe an Eagle,
And fly high in the sky,
Go through clouds and float,
On the winds up above...

Or Maybe a Mustang,
To run fast and feel the wind,
Caressing over my body...
Grazing and wandering Free...

Maybe a tree, to be planted,
Firmly in the ground...
To be colorful in the Fall,
To loose all my leaves in the Winter,
But Spring, Oh Spring, to be Green,
And beautiful again, To start Anew...

Do you get the feeling that I am trying,
To escape from Life...?
Well, I would...If only I could...
But the question is...
Wouldn't we all at one time or another?