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You walk up to the house. For a moment you are puzzled as at the door but quickly figure out that you have to slide the door open. This house seemed more Japanese than the last. As you enter this house you notice the layout is very different from the other home. Infront of you, you could see a small 'pit' with four couches, all facing eachother. Taking a more detailed glance around you see the kitchen to the right and a sliding door leading to some room to the left. Past the couches there was an entrance way to the stairs. You look back to the couches and blink in surprise. Now three figures sat in the couches, one on each. They all looked rather relaxed, as if they had been there the whole time, but you could have sworn that they weren't.

Dais chuckled softly to himself, "Sorry about that, I couldn't resist. Such an innocent person lurking around somewhere where they don't belong." He stared right at you with his one eye. For a moment you wanted to run but he didn't see too threatening. Minus the glare he gave, he made no intention to cause any harm.

"Your just lucky," Cale piped up, "if it was up to us you would be bait by now. But no, we had to have a truce with those damned ronin brats. And get babysitted by the torrent." He rolled his eyes, obviously not pleased with his situation. "The only person happy with this set up is Sekhmet."

Sekhmet snapped out of his trance of staring at the door to the left. He smirked evilly his reptile like eyes glancing over to you. "Its not my fault I adore pestering the New Torrent. She's the one that's petrified of me." He chuckled deeply and folded his arms across his chest.

Not knowing what to make of these three, you quickly try to find a destination.

Small room to the left