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*ShoUt OuTs*

~mAi GuEsTbOoK~

*ReAd* | *SiGn*

At times I needed u guys most, u proved yourself true and were there for me. It takes a special kind of person to stick by my side when so many have left throughout the years.......

bigg shoutz 2 mai XFuZiOn RaCiNx krew..FuZiOn 2 dA FuLLeSt BaYbiE! mai *oNe LoVe BaBiE* 2 mai cuzn's krew mai X-krew XPK still got much luv fer y'all! i myte even b kumin bak or we gonna combine our krewz dawg! haha biggest motha fukin krew in WA state nigga! XpK 4LyPhE!, 2 mai glad we can still b tyte oppa an dongseng, 2 mai fav noona gLoRiA 2 mai boi ive known mai whole lyphe D 2 dA R 2 dA mOtHa FuKiN U..u lyke mai brotha dawg, 2 mai KiWi & ChErRY Ha Ha, 2 the musik group me, tony, an paul boutz 2 start, 2 all mai niggaz & bitches bak in fed way, 2 all mai boiz an gyrlz up in the 2h0e6, 425, an 360 mafia, all mai dongsengs nation wyde, 2 everyone ive eva shared a memorie wit..neva 4git wat we've shared aiight?, 2 all u aZn racerz out there.keep that azn pryde an lets DrAg-On NiGgA! 2 all the aZn raverz..P.L.U.R. 2 dA FuLLeSt! madd shoutz to mai ppl down in kali, chicago, NY, OR, NJ, ATL, TX, virginia, an all u i left out..mai badz frealz..dun take it 2 da heart..ill git u up hea soon...much luv 2 y' love...*LaTe*

*YuJa (hOmEgYrLz) ShOuTs*

*NaMjA (hOmEbOiZ) sHoUtS*

Somewhere between the procrastination,

And the homework,

And the incessant forwards,

And the friendships,

And the nasty cafeteria food,

And the calls to each other complaining about roommates & lovers;

I Forgot.

Somewhere between the phone calls to old friends,

And the "I miss you's.",

And the "I love you's.",

And the "What are we doing tonight's?",

And somewhere between all of the changing & growing;

I Forgot.

Somewhere between the classes,

And the skipping classes,

And the studying for tests,

And the pretending to study for tests,

And the downright not studying for tests;

I Forgot.

I forgot what high school is all about.

I forgot what it meant to cry

I forgot that pretending to be happy doesn't make you happy.

And that pretending to be smart doesn't make you smart.

I forgot that you can't just forget the past in fear of the future.

I forgot that you can't control falling in love.

And that you can't make yourself fall in love.

I learned that I can love.

and that it's okay if love gets messed up.

And it's okay to ask for help.

And it's okay to feel like crap.

I learned its okay to complain and whine to all

your friends for a whole day.

I learned that sometimes the things you want most

you just can't have.

I learned that the greatest thing about high school

isn't the parties,

or the drinking,

or the hookups;

I learned that the greatest things are the friendships.

Which means taking chances.

I learned that sometimes the things we want to

forget are the things which we most need to talk about.

Basically, I learned that my friends, both old and

new, are the most important people to me in the world;

And without them, I wouldn't be who I am today...

*rEaL vS. SiMpLe*

A siMpLe fRiEnD hAs NeVeR sEen YoOh crY..

a reAL friEnD hAS shoOuLdErs sOggY fRuM yUr TEaRz...

a SimPLe friEND dosEnt knOw YuR paRentS firST namE...

A reaL frienD hAs tHeiR fRiEndS foNe nUmBerS iN hiS/hEr aDdrEss bOOk...

a SiMpLe fRiend bRiNgs wiNe tOo YuR pArTY...

a ReAL fRieND cOMEs tOo hELp u cOoK aNd sTaYs LaTE tOo hELp u cLeAN...

A siMpLE fRiENd hAtEs it wHeN u kALL aFteR tHeY'vE gOnE tOO bEd...

a ReAL fRiEnd asKs u wHY u tOOk sO LoNG tOo kaLL bAk...

a SiMpLe FriEnD sEEks tOo u bOuT yUr pRoBLeMz...

a rEaL cHiNgOO SeeKs ToO heLP u WiTH YuR pRoBLemZ...

A siMPLe FRiEND wOndErs bOuT YUr RoMaNtiC hiStOrY...

a rEaL fRiEnD cOuLd bLacK maiL u WiTH iT...

a simPLe FrienD acTs LiKe a gUeSt wHen tHeiR viSiTiNg...

A REaL fRiENd OpeNs YuR reFrEdigeRaToR aNd hELpS tHemsELvEs...

a SiMPLe frienD tinKs FRiENDsHiP is oBEr wHEn U hAd aN aRgUemENt...

A rEaL fRiENd kNoE isH nOt tHe EnD...

a SiMPLe friENd aLwAYs eXpEcTs U tOO aLwAyZz bE tHeiR 4-eVa...

a rEaL FRiEND ExPeCtS TOo aLwaYzZ bE tHeiR fOr U~!!~

"A quien amo con todo el corazon por siempre"

(To who I love with all my heart forever)

*BaCk HoMe* l *411* l *PhOtO aLbUm* l *PoEmS*

*FuNnY sHiEt* l *CaRs* l *B-BoY sHiEt* l *CrEdItS*

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