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Buster Pratt Likes To Play:

Buster Pratt, a band from Redding/CA, in Shasta County, formed in the summer of 1997.
Bassist Phil Pratt and drummer Brian Ottman, friends since grade school, began developing their sound together when Brian bought a drumset and decided he'd prefer to play with accompaniment.
Phil, who had never played a guitar of any kind before, got a wild hair and sprung for a starter bass kit.
Phil began studying his new hobby with abandon.
This, coupled with endless jamming, created a tight rhythm section that many musicians found desirable.
Phil and Brian created their first band in 1996 called "KING FRIDAY".
The band never left the garage.
Nonetheless, King Friday was an invaluable experience for both musicians.
They realized that guitarists and vocalists with the same level of dedication as theirs were not easy to come by.

During the summer of '97, at Phil and Brians place of employment, they became friends with lead singer Eddie Slover.
Rumors he liked to sing led to an invitation to the shack for a jam session and a couple of beers.
Eddie joined the band that night.

Original guitarist Donovan Helfrich stayed with Buster Pratt for a year and a half before leaving for school.
The band managed during this time to learn enough cover tunes to go from backyard parties to bars and nightclubs, earning enough to purchase necessary equipment.
With a stroke of luck they acquired guitarist and vocalist Mike Twomey(too-mee).
With twenty years experience, remarkable talent and dedication enough for all, Mike was just what Buster Pratt needed.
Wanting to expand the band's potential, they placed an ad in music stores and the paper for a second guitarist.
After auditions the choice was easy.
Andrew Lee joined Buster Pratt, bringing to the band his vast experience in music, multimedia, and the business as a whole.

With all the pieces finally in place, combined with dedication and endless support from all of their family and friends, Buster Pratt has begun to be true up-and-comers on the local music scene.
Their happy-go-lucky attitude and passion for their music make them a worthy addition to any club's entertainment offerings.

If you would like more information about the band, please email us at the e-mail address below.

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Please come back and visit again!


After being a band for 3 years, The "BUSTER PRATT BAND" has called it quits after June 10, 2000.
We thank everyone who helped to support the band by coming to our gigs.
We hoped you were entertained.

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