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...... CLICK HERE to see the latest news and rumors in pro-wrestling ......

.......................... The Wrestling Zone has been keeping people updated with all the latest wrestling info since March of 1997. It has been very successful in it's predictions and rumours over the years. The Wrestling Zone started out as a fantasy wrestling federation called the UVW or Ultimate Virtual Wrestling, for over a year the UVW ran with more than 200 people competing in it over the time periode. Fantasy wrestling is where someone on the internet can create their own wrestlers and roleplay with them over e-mails and message boards. After the UVW the Wrestling Zone was created in it's foot steps.It gained in popularity and is now renowned over ...... the internet as one of the best sites for inside wrestling info and rumors. The Wrestling Zone is for wrestling fans of all federations, be it the WWF, WCW or ECW, they can find what they need right here. The WWF has been the main focus of this site since the begining but with additional staff the site has become wide in varity. Luke Gibbons in the primary monitor of the wrestling Zone and the founder of TWZ and UVW. He has also just recently opened up a new E-fed wrestling league called Extreme Wrestling On-line. The address is Please feel free to check it out and sign up as soon as possible. ..........................

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The Wrestling Zone is in no way affilliated with any proffessional wrestling organization, including the WWF, WCW and ECW.