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...and other prayerful things...

Throughout my life, I have prayed many prayers, (memorized as well as impromptu). Recently, I have gone through a life-changing experience which has caused me to remember the power of prayer and especially the Novenas.

Although I may have specific ideas as to what my request is, I try to request above all else,for the strength and wisdom to deal with the situation in a Christ-like manner.

This page is my publication of gratitude for answers to my prayers and Novenas.

All prayers are answered, sometimes not the way we envisioned them; but this is where trust and faith come in... My Heavenly Father knows every need of mine and if a prayer seems to go unanswered, it just might be that the solution I had planned was not, in fact, best for me.

If you have any testimonies or would like to publish a card of thanks for prayers answered, I would be glad to add it to my page; just send me an e-mail.

What is a Novena?
As Jesus was about to ascend to heaven, he told the apostles to remain in Jerusalem until they had received the Holy Spirit. While waiting, they devoted themselves to prayer. (Acts 1:14) The Church celebrates the Ascension of Jesus on a Thursday and nine days later the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday. The Church began to set aside prayer for nine days, or a novena, from the Latin word for "nine," in remembrance of those original nine days of prayer. But there is nothing magical about the number nine. We can pray for a special need for as many days as we wish.

Saint Jude Novena, Day One

Saint Jude Novena, Day Two

Saint Jude Novena, Day Three

Saint Jude Novena, Day Four

Saint Jude Novena, Day Five

Saint Jude Novena, Day Six

Saint Jude Novena, Day Seven

Saint Jude Novena, Day Eight

Saint Jude Novena, Day Nine

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