here are a few of my girlfriend, tiffany's poems tick-tock time drops made for crying made for dying mice tick like coffeepots hearts stop for lemon drops No more curiosity No more foolish, egotistical desires Love- Know all the parts of the play and then i shall know where i fit this world wide awake fully aware of all give me compassion always be generous watch out! the mundane details are the beauty just hold me _ _ _ Bingo clothes and Christmas pie Glasses see so why don't i? When they come to see me crawl slam the door build a wall contemplate "it's only me" Who else could you ever be? Blissfully so ignorant Never seeing what is meant Reflections sting like alcohol who will pad me when i fall? rip the roses from my head lift my feet of weighted lead Bleed my dreams cut and dry clear the air let it die my soul burns like a cigarette all in all i won't regret