Lawnmower   Jellybeans (romance... all great poetry is done with romance) I'm not into romance I guess I've read too much of it. I want to hear a really good poem about jellybeans, and machine-guns, and roller-skates.   all in one.   not to be difficult, but I want a poem about dead puppies and legless nuns. I like the different edge. That sliver of life that only Denny's people see. The kind of thing that makes you say: what the hell did I just read? and look again and laugh. (I thought your poem was about Mark shooting his wad, and what a wonderful wad it was. The banana made me think so, but not sure until you said.) we're bored, we wanna read. (so where did you work? I hope you paste that to a file and save it.)   so where are the dog poems? the bull poems.. the great green algae poems, that stick to your feet when you come out of the pool poems? friggin' bear always shitting in the driveways. where's the goddamn machine-gun? I want jellybean cadences... I want some smoothly shit sliding off the tongue-rolling cadences about roller-skates and quack physicians and incontinent old men and flying babies and jellybean sucking vampires... the black ones. (vampires that is) with white gloves and roller-skates and DOO-WOP tattooed to their butts. and high-schoolers who don't have sex, with DOO-WOP tattooed to their butts. And it's embarrassing to have that on your butt. causes you to be made fun of, and put in the Butt-Clamping Wracking wrestling hold, and fed to the pederastic Vampires with DOO-WOP on their butts. And getting DOO-WOPPED in the butt makes a high-schooler crazy and cracky, going to the wopped-out congregation with a machine-gun and spraying silver bullets at the Vampires. gets you punished and put in jail, where Bubba the Pederast (with DOO-WOP on his mind,) stuffs jailhouse logic up your think-spout! No doo-wop to it... you'll get a tattoo. WOO WOO Hidey-ho! ©1995 Joe Devos