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Hurtt ~ Sexton
Family Photos


Olive Sexton Hurtt ~ Wife of Reuben Hurtt;
Daughter of John and Rebecca Buttram Sexton~
Great Grandmother to Clayton Brook;
Beloved mother of Grandpa L.C. Hurtt~
Photo of when Olive was about 80 years old,
She was living in Wolford, Kentucky
in about 1930.


Reuben Hurtt
Photo taken approximate 1880 in Scott County, Tennessee.
Husband of Olive Sexton.
Youngest son of John Crawford & Frances Bruton Hurt~
Father of Grandpa L.C. Hurtt and seven other children.
Veteran of the Civil War; 30th Kentucky Mounted Infantry Union Regiment;
Sheriff 1876-1882 in Scott County and a lawyer.
Helped form a debating club in Scott County, Tennessee.
He was a Tennessee State Legislator for Scott County.

The oldest child of Reuben & Olive Sexton: Florence Hurtt Berry
Photo taken in 1905 with Florence holding son, John Berry.

The second child of Reuben & Olive Sexton: James Crawford Hurtt
Photo not dated, estimate date 1910.

The third child of Reuben & Olive Sexton: Mary Magnolia "Aunt Mag" Hurtt
Photo date unknown, estimate 1905.

Four of the 8 children of Reuben and Olive Sexton Hurtt
Photo taken in Tennessee in abt. 1900
L to R back: George, Laura
L to R front: Reuben Jr. and L.C.

The youngest child of Reuben & Olive Sexton: Frank Berry Hurtt Sr.
Photo taken when Frank was about 5 years about 1904.
Frank was with his sister, Florence Berry and family.

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