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Ok, here is the deal. This is the way the old GTA site looked. There is no up-to-date information here, this should only be used as a reference. Come to my new site and see the massive improvements! Here is the address: All the links should still work...This message was written on Sunday, October 18, 1998. I will continue to post messages here monthly...laterz.

~ Magik

News...August 14, 1998 12:00am

Not much to report, I have been busy with other things. Like I said in the past, I'm gonna revamp the site this weekend. I need some time to figure out my new design. This is really the last week I can update alot, school starts up soon, causing me to update less. (There is always weekends!) A great new site just opened up, it's called Warez Factory. It's worth a look. I really need a banner!!! I would really appreciate if anyone out there with artistic skillz could possibly make me a banner, size does not matter. Thanks.

Please take the time and submite your vote today in the Grand Theft Auto Poll. Vote for your favorite GTA Car. Next week, vote for your favorite city!

Black Hole City!
The people at Map Makers Forum created another cool city. Black Hole City, their newest project is getting alot of attention, click the above link to download or click here to see their other projects!

Welcome to my GTA Homepage! Please vote for your city in my poll. And vote for this site as the top 25 GTA sites for Grand Theft Auto, go to the guestbook page and click on the link. Look for more improvements to this page daily! I try to update this page twice a day, even more times at night, so visit this site often! VOTE FOR ME! Thanks! ~ Magik (This page was last updated on Wednesday, August 14 | 12:00am)

I would like to thank the nice people at
Grand Theft Auto Freeway 51 for the awesome car pictures above.

LE FastCounter

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