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"Angel's In My Life"

My beautiful Angie!

My Wonderful son, Cal & his lovely wife Christy

My handsome son, Kerry!

My second Beautiful daughter, Corinna!

My angel Dylan that God sent me, what a face!

Now tell me, is this the face
of an angel?
My granddaughter, Sammy with Grandpa!

These are some of the Angel's God has put in my family,
He has put so many in my life, too many to add here.
When I think of what I am
grateful for, the list gets longer and longer.
When you're feeling low,
sit down and write a Gratitude List.
Sometimes, it just depends on how honest I want to be,
and where my focus is for that moment.
My list keeps growing and growing
along with my faith!
May God bless you today and always,
Peace and Prayers,




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