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Horseman, Natural Horsemanship


I just LOVE Ellen O! She's cute as a bug, and a very nice person, also!

My all time favorite photo!


Some of Ellen's principles:

* It will take the time it takes,
and slowly is often the quickest way.

* Safety is rule number one;
I don't want the horse to get hurt,
I don't want my clients to get hurt,
and I don't want to get hurt myself…

* I do not believe in punishment for a horse.
They don't use this amongst themselves,
so they don't understand it.
All that would accomplish is
scaring the horse and making it resentful.

* A horse is not wrong… it is a horse,
and it is up to us to learn how to talk to it.

* When a horse displays a problem
it is often a symptom of something
else that is wrong.
One must find the cause
and work on that,
not on the symptom…

Ellen's Natural Horsemanship Website

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