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Ennobled Pet
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hey y'all! how are ya? here's some general info about me

*Full Name: Kaleena
*Birth date: March 8 '83
*Age: 18! I'm legal!
*Location: Gilbert AZ
*Your zodiac sign: Pisces
*Nicknames: Kaleeners, Hunnybunny
*Pets: Dorado
*Height: 5'9
*Body Shape or Size: there's the picture you tell me
*Eye Color: hazel and everchanging
*Hair Color: strawberry-blonde
*Are you a righty or a lefty or ambidextrous: righty
*Favorite TV show{s}: SCOOBY-DOO
*Favorite movie{s}: What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Green Mile, CryBaby
*What's your favorite flavor Snapple?: none
*Favorite board game: monopoly
*Favorite magazine: Cosmo!
*Favorite food: Tostitos Spicy Quesadilla
*Favorite ice cream: New York Strawberry Cheesecake
*Favorite perfume/cologne: Clothesline
*Favorite subject in school: Study Hall
*Least Favorite subject in school: Band with I.R. Moron
*Favorite thing to Drink: Cherry Coke
*Favorite Soundtrack/CD: Green Mile
*Favorite thing to do on the weekend: Internet!
*Best and Favorite advice or tips you could ever give someone: never judge anyone cuz they'll judge you back and no one likes to be judged and don't be afraid to make the first move to becoming friends with someone and "judge me not by my face but by my heart for someday my face may lose it's pleasure to you by becoming flawed or even common while my heart will continue giving and changing with you and will never become common."
*My Boy: Matt! :) yay! go matt! love you!

you can copy and paste this and send me your answers, it's the quickest way to get to know someone!

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