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Night Wind

by: Tracy

Run away with me - night wind

Run away

Carry me high - night wind

Touch the sky

Floating o'er everyone- night wind

Floating far

Running away- night wind

Running from "friends

Coasting o'er the highest pedastal- night wind

Higher than the "populars"

Me- my OWN person- night wind

Be all alone

Carry me be the glittering stars- night wind

All of YOUR sparkling friends

Jewels- god's crown- night wind

Shall l dare to pluck one???

Or- night wind

Wait till winter??

They shine brighter- night wind

Brighter in winter

Shall I wait- night wind

Until perfection??

Or- night wind

Shall l grasp the NOW?

And live for today- night wind

And not tommorrow??

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