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I've just added this page due to popular request! no one seems to know how to make one!..*sighs*

Making your own HTML DOC.

I must stress some points before you dive into making a html document, Captials and lowercase matter grately, they can mean the difference between a working page and a non working one, it doesnt matter if you do use them, only stick to the same, (Example, Maker.HTML and Maker.html Nope wont work!! // Maker.html and Maker.html, Give the fella a prize!). Another point is that 'HTML' and 'HTM' are basically the same, just one is shorter, be sure to type the correct extention when making hyperlinks though, or you'll be stuck having to figure it all out.

There are three methods that come to mind whem making a html document,

Firstly is online editing, this involves having a server, free or otherwise, then you can apply for some space for uploading means. without this space where would your site be? Anyway places like tripod give's you 11MB of upload space to make a webpage out of, and for free. With this space you can have easy options like "Create your html document" or "Create a new HTML document", these make the whole thing easy, it opens a new window in which you can type in your html and view quite easily.

But for you offline editors thats not what you need to know,

The Second method is by having a program which acts like an online editor, helping you make the pages with ease. These can be easily obtained by downloading from the internet or purchasing one.

The Third is is by making a document in Notepad (Thats a notepad.txt file NOT notepad.exe!), You basically open up notepad, type in your html and 'save as' a html file, be sure to change the 'Save as Type' extention to 'All Files' beforehand.